
Superkart: European premiere at Lédenon

The first Competition of the 2016 CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship will take place from 20th to 22nd May 2016 for the first time on the Lédenon circuit (FRA), while the other two Competitions take place on familiar tracks at Donington (GBR) on 4th and 5th June and at Assen (NLD) on 6th and 7th August […]

Superkart: European premiere at Lédenon

The first Competition of the 2016 CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship will take place from 20th to 22nd May 2016 for the first time on the Lédenon circuit (FRA), while the other two Competitions take place on familiar tracks at Donington (GBR) on 4th and 5th June and at Assen (NLD) on 6th and 7th August on the occasion of Gamma Racing Days.



The novelty of this inaugural Competition in the south of France is a very undulating circuit, generating thrilling sensations. The entry will be higher than last year with 32 drivers, including leading specialists from nine countries. The British are the most numerous (10) ahead of the French (7), then the Germans and the Dutch in equality (5). Also counting for the French Superkart Championship, the meeting will be well filled with other categories such as the French Long Circuit Championship for KZ2 and KZ2 Master and the holding of Ledenon Motorsport Festival responsible for attracting the public.

The Czech Driver Adam Kout (MS Kart / DEA), the reigning champion, and his rival, the German Peter Elkmann (MS Kart / VM) should meet for an expected duel at the front. Entered at the last minute, the Frenchman Emmanuel Vinuales (Anderson / VM), a triple European Champion, will spice up the proceedings. Among the leading drivers, you can count on the Dutchman Marcel Maasmann (Anderson / VM), the Vice-Champion in 2012 and very comfortable on fast circuits, the new British spearhead Liam Morley (Anderson / DEA) and the German Andreas Jost (Anderson / VM), very effective when his equipment does not fail him. The Frenchmen Julien Goullancourt (Anderson / DEA) who is constantly improving, and Alexandre Sebastia (Anderson / DEA), with consistent wins at Ledenon, will follow on their home soil.

The winner of the CIK-FIA World Cup for Super KF in 2009, and the CIK-FIA KZ1 EuropeanVice-Champion in 2011, the Belgian Yannick de Brabander (MS Kart / VM) will debut in European Superkart with solid ambitions. The Briton Gavin Bennett (Anderson / DEA), a triple European Superkart Champion now racing with a single cylinder engine will seek be looking for victory in the International Cup reserved for these engines which are increasingly popular in his home country. He will face his compatriots Paul Platt (MS Kart / Gas Gas) and Carl Hulme (Anderson / THR).

Publié le 18/05/2016

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