
Sodi the Champion in National with Renaudin

This is the second consecutive year that Sodi has dominated the French National Championship. Last year, Anthony Fotia won after a close fight. In 2014, a young pilot who has just moved up from Cadet took his Sodi S3 to the title in the most competitive category in France.   Everybody was unanimous in praising […]

Sodi the Champion in National with Renaudin

This is the second consecutive year that Sodi has dominated the French National Championship. Last year, Anthony Fotia won after a close fight. In 2014, a young pilot who has just moved up from Cadet took his Sodi S3 to the title in the most competitive category in France.



Everybody was unanimous in praising the first season in National 150 for Adrien Renaudin. French Vice-Champion in Cadet in 2013, Adrien didn’t take long to adapt to the new category. Faithful to Sodi, Adrien was joined at the Pro Kart Racing Team by Dominique Chech who took third place in the NSK, while another PRK driver, Nicolas Picot, won Rotax Max.

On the pace from the first round of the French Championship, Adrien has improved steadily to finish the third round masterfully with a double win with no opposition. Starting each time from the second row, he established himself in each of his three qualifying heats at Soucy. The Grand Slam continued in the finals, with Adrien showing impressive composure to withstand the pressure and make no mistakes. He took an advantage over his opponents who are all very experienced and ultimately took the title of French National 150 Champion.

I had a great time this weekend at Soucy,” confided the young champion. “It was difficult because of the very high level of competition, but we did not encounter any particular problems. The total cooperation in the KPR team fulfilled its mission to perfection in the development of my Sigma S3 and the Rotax engines. I just had to concentrate on driving and race strategy. I take my hat off to Sodi for the quality of its chassis which allowed me to get ahead of my sharpest rivals.

It is to Adrien’s credit to win as a rookie against a hundred competitors. Completed by the 4th of Nicolas Picot, this magnificent result adds to the list of successful Sodi performances this season. Vincent Fraïsse has already won the French Championship for X30 Senior, Nathan Hédouin won the NSK in National 150 while Alexander Anstett was most recently successful during the DD2 French Rotax Finals. Further evidence of the effectiveness of the Sodi kart!

Publié le 30/10/2014

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