
Sodi: 2012 World Champion!

  The U18 World Championship offers kart chassis constructors the opportunity to compete in the best possible way, i.e. with karts equipped with a single type of engine, in a competition that gathers the best drivers in the world and where budget is not an issue. Throughout this season, the British driver Henry Easthope has […]

Sodi: 2012 World Champion!



The U18 World Championship offers kart chassis constructors the opportunity to compete in the best possible way, i.e. with karts equipped with a single type of engine, in a competition that gathers the best drivers in the world and where budget is not an issue. Throughout this season, the British driver Henry Easthope has exploited the top level performances of his Sodi Celesta standard chassis to maintain his supremacy and has finally conquered his reward at the closing round at Bahrain, offering Sodi the much coveted Word Championship Constructors’ title, the only one awarded by the CIK-FIA in 2012.


Sodi triumphed on the world scene ahead of 15 of the greatest international companies. Sodi Celesta, the new generation of chassis manufactured by the French company, won it all and proved on the track the effectiveness of the no. 1 world constructor. Without an excessive outlay of financial, technical or human resources, the U18 World Championship has rediscovered the original spirit of karting: only one 100% standard chassis, only one mechanic and one driver who has the opportunity to express his talent on an equal footing, given that all engines are identical and allocated by drawing lots. A relentless challenge!


The three meetings of the 2012 season were held on circuits with very different characteristics, therefore chassis needed to show great performances combined with a high level of versatility. Moderate temperatures and good grip under the sun of Portugal at Braga, cooler weather and moderate grip in France at Angerville, high temperatures despite the night races on the new and very fast Bahrain track: each time, Sodi chassis proved equal to the challenge. Henry Easthope dominated the championship, but other drivers got themselves noticed thanks to their 100 % standard Sodi Celesta chassis.




A regular at national competitions, Jules Gounon got himself noticed on the international stage for the first time at Braga, while Hubert Petit was 5th at Angerville and confirmed his excellent form at the last round, while Antoine Rocard, a pure product of Rotax in France, surprised everyone at Bahrain by revealing his talent on the international scene, with a 12th place in the final after a series of very good results against top level competitors.


“The U18 concept is entirely in tune with our vision of competition”, explained Gildas Mérian, president of Sodikart. “While karting is getting dangerously out of control in other categories, where costs are sky-rocketing, U18 is maintaining its course within the limits of what is reasonable, with an accessibility that suits every pocket and that has been a vital element to the success of our sport since its origins. We are particularly proud of this CIK official title of World Champion, which we have won thanks to our 100% standard Celesta chassis“.


Celesta chassis, which have been marketed by Sodi this year, can already boast an excellent list of achievements in national and international competitions, in X30, Rotax as well as KF. The Sodi Celesta, which is a true discoverer of talents, has recently enabled Jules Gounon to win the X30 world final at Lyon. The only constructors’ title awarded this year by the CIK-FIA has established Sodikart – through Celesta – as the no. 1 kart constructor in the world.




Publié le 13/11/2012

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