
Maranello To The Fore

Maranello To The Fore Exactly like a month ago, at the International Open Masters, the Maranello chassis obtained excellent performances on the Italian circuit of Lonato, during the third WSK round. A long series of pole positions, victories in the heats and best laps in all three categories – KF1, KF2 and KF3. Unfortunately several […]

Maranello To The Fore

Maranello To The Fore
Exactly like a month ago, at the International Open Masters, the Maranello chassis obtained excellent performances on the Italian circuit of Lonato, during the third WSK round. A long series of pole positions, victories in the heats and best laps in all three categories – KF1, KF2 and KF3. Unfortunately several race mishaps too often prevented Maranello pilots from obtaining better results. A real pity.

At the wheel of his Maranello-Maxter, Davide Fore proved to be particularly fast in KF1 at Lonato and even set the best lap in the final. But just like during the European Championship at Angerville a week earlier, the Italian pilot had a series of problems that forced him once again to a spectacular catching up, from 29th to 6th position, i.e. 23 places! “The weekend started well, with excellent times during free practice and access to the Super Pole, where the ten fastest pilots in timed practice compete” Davide commented. “Unfortunately, I had back luck again, first in the heat, then in the pre-final. When I think of my catching up in the final and the times I scored, I really feel some regrets. Maxter did an excellent job, my Maranello chassis was very competitive and I really believe I had the potential to fight for victory. I hope to do better soon, the team deserves it”.

Federico Scionti, a pilot from Gandolfi Racing Team, reached the pole position in KF2 with his Maranello-TM kart, just ahead of the Maranello-Parilla driven by “Giaguaro Nero”. “This is proof of the competitiveness of the chassis, irrespective of the team and of the motorisation”, the pilot from the red-and-gold team commented. During the heats, the two pilots had excellent performances with two victories and a best lap for Scionti, as well as a victory and two record laps for the “black jaguar”. With three second places and a best lap, British James Thorp made a good impression too. Unfortunately, competitiveness does not always rhyme with success! So Scionti withdrew at the start of the pre-final after a collision and “Giaguaro Nero” was penalised by ten seconds after setting the best lap in the pre-final. The fastest in the final was once again a Maranello pilot, Thorp, who brilliantly reached 6th position.

Like in the KF2 final, the Maranello chassis was the best represented in the starting grid of the KF3 final. And just like in KF2, it was a real performance, with best laps set by Italian Kevin Ceccon, Russian Zimin Maxim or Finnish Aaro Vainio and excellent times scored by Kevin Giovesi or David Manuel Da Luz during free practice. Winner of two heats, then 6th in the pre-final as well as in the final, Ceccon obtained the best result of a Maranello Team decimated by accidents. Pity…

“It is always frustrating to see that the efforts made by the team have not been rewarded as they should. Many of our pilots qualified for the final and their times had nothing to envy to those of top-3 pilots, in KF1, KF2 or KF3. But we have to accept the hard law of competition…”

Publié le 15/05/2008

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