
Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame!

Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame! A championship decided in just one meeting is something of an anachronism in modern day motor sport. Only karting still offers races in this format, in which the tension ramps up with every heat and reaches fever pitch in the final. This is precisely what happened […]

Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame!

Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame!
A championship decided in just one meeting is something of an anachronism in modern day motor sport. Only karting still offers races in this format, in which the tension ramps up with every heat and reaches fever pitch in the final. This is precisely what happened in Sarno in the KF3 (ex-Junior) finals. What a spectacle! You can’t beat it. Brandon Maïsano, the sole remaining member of the FFSA Karting Team France racing at this level, lived up to expectation. Although the final placings didn’t recompense the fine performances the Intrepid France driver put in on the long circuit near Naples, it was clear that here was a future champion in the making.

Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame!

It was a tough weekend for Franck Lagorce, captain of Team France. His task was to provide maximum support and proffer the best possible advice, but to do so without treading on anyone’s toes in the driver’s entourage or race team. Fortunately it all went well, with everyone pulling in the right direction. Going in to the final a podium place was by no means out of the question. The results obtained during open practice prior to Saturday’s timed laps were a mixed bag. Brandon managed an encouraging 12th fastest time in a field of 60 drivers. He knew he still had it all to do, that he had to give it everything he’d got without falling into the trap of getting caught up in any accidents. He had the bit between his teeth in Saturday afternoon’s first heat which, thanks to a highly focussed drive, he finished in 3rd place. After careful analysis of the lap times it was decided to alter the set up slightly and to get Brandon to improve his line through some parts of the track. As a result his times improved, and Brandon was lapping with the leading pack after clocking the 2nd fastest lap time. But it all came to nothing in the final bend which, it must be said, Brandon took it in somewhat unconventional manner, resulting in his being forced onto a line on the outside of the track which he couldn’t hold, and so he spun off into the dust. Brandon was pretty mad with himself and his 14th spot in the race. So he started the evening in somewhat sombre mood, but the Team France captain had, as he always does, set up a friendly meeting with the French and international press, during which he presented the driver to them and reiterated his complete confidence in Brandon. Brandon took heart from this warm support and the rest of the evening before bed was spent working out new strategies for the next day’s racing. He awoke the following day to find warm sun bathing the world at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. In the third of his four qualifying heats he got away to good start, as he now knows how to do, and was on the attack from start to finish. And the result? 2nd place and the fastest lap of the race! It was the same scenario in the last heat, which just goes to prove that he can be both fast and consistent. The name Maïsano starts to be heard over the sound system around the track…

“And the standings after the heats are: Brandon in 11th place!” Phew, he’s still in with a great chance! The serious business starts in the prefinal race. Get off to a good start. Flat out on the attack as soon as the chassis is up to it. Start moving up the field… and over the finishing line five places better than he started! Starting on the outside of the 3rd line on the grid in the much-awaited final, Brandon is all ears for his manager’s last minute advice: “Don’t take too many risks on the first lap, you know you are the fastest, after a few laps it will start to tell.” Once again Brandon is off to a great start, he’s lying 3rd coming out of the first bend. The kart is going well and he’s tucked in nicely on the inside going into the braking area at the end of the straight. Leave it as late as possible before braking and then, bang! He got shunted up the rear by a huddle of drivers who must have altogether forgotten to brake! Heck, there goes my chance of a podium place! Brandon picks himself up and starts moving through the field again, clocking the second fastest lap of the race in the process. Coming only 8th in the race was of course a huge disappointment for the driver from Vallauris. All in all it was a tough weekend but on closer analysis of the results we can see that Brandon, who learns quickly, is progressing all the time. He always reacts well in difficult situations, which is the hallmark of top-level drivers. We’ve not heard the last of ‘little’ Maïsano, you can be sure of that!

Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame!

Maïsano: so much potential in such a small frame!

Publié le 05/09/2007

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