
French challenge on Lusitanian ground

French challenge on Lusitanian ground The 5 KF1 & KF2 pilots of Equipe de France are going to do battle on the Portuguese track of Braga for the last European meeting of the season. After this, we need to wait for the world championship in Italy next September. It is immediately clear that the race […]

French challenge on Lusitanian ground

French challenge on Lusitanian ground
The 5 KF1 & KF2 pilots of Equipe de France are going to do battle on the Portuguese track of Braga for the last European meeting of the season. After this, we need to wait for the world championship in Italy next September. It is immediately clear that the race in Braga – the third and last European round for the protagonists of KF1, final for the promising new talents of KF2 – is of the utmost importance for the French pilots. If a podium in KF1 is still slightly utopian, the young KF2 pilots have the means to come up with some good result in Portugal.

The Portuguese circuit in Braga, to the north west of Porto, is going to deliver the conclusion of the KF1 European Championship 2008, on 1, 2 and 3 August next. Working hard on the preparation of their mechanics, Alban Varutti and Anthony Abbasse are already looking at the world championship in Muro Leccese. The two Sodikart pilots are too far behind now in the ranking of the European Championship (19th and 22nd) to expect a significant result in this race. On the other hand, the event in Braga is of major importance to them as a preparation to full size for the upcoming world championship. For this reason, the performances of Alban and d’Anthony versus their competitors deserve to be monitored. It is well known that several chassis tests have been carried out for various months and that the engine setup has also involved all the resources of the Sodi team.

For KF2, the challenge is still difficult, though simpler. Suffice it to say that the three pilots of Equipe de France who have qualified for the final are: William Benedetti, Charles Lacaze and Loïc Réguillon. Despite being up to the category, unfortunately, Julien Deschamps has failed to obtain his qualification for Braga.
Each of the three representatives of Equipe de France FFSA Karting has his own ace in the hole for a successful performance in Portugal.

Charles Lacaze, the KF2 Champion of France 2008, has an excellent material at his disposal (Tony Kart/Vortex), a good burst of speed, a refined racing strategy and great experience. He’ll have to drive through collisions and other battles within the group, which are going to make the races full of pitfalls. His challenge is undoubtedly at this level, because the Champion of France has now what it takes to wear the European crown.

In the European qualifying sessions in Alcaniz, Loïc Réguillon (Sodikart/Parilla) has shown that he is in his best shape. At the same time quite fast in the timed qualifying and effective in the heats, Loïc has impressed his competitors. It is a pity that he was penalized at the start. Once the teams have all become familiar with the new rules of CIK, the competition can become more serene. Loïc might have some good surprises in store.

William Benedetti has obtained the best qualification of the three members of the team. The pilot Kosmic/Vortex is improving the performance of his chassis race after race, while building up the necessary experience. He stands out as a confident and increasing effective pilot, qualities that can be worth an excellent result to him.

These three pilots, as their elders, can see the world scene on the horizon with their qualification for the KF2 world championship that is taking place in Italy next September.

Publié le 29/07/2008

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