
Forè Remains at the Top

Forè Remains at the Top Determined and passionate about his status of official CRG-Maxter Team driver, Davide Forè always gives his best at each practice session and each single race. Always very motivated to offer his partners and team the best possible results, the five-time world champion defended CRG colours both at the Suzuka World […]

Forè Remains at the Top

Forè Remains at the Top
Determined and passionate about his status of official CRG-Maxter Team driver, Davide Forè always gives his best at each practice session and each single race. Always very motivated to offer his partners and team the best possible results, the five-time world champion defended CRG colours both at the Suzuka World Cup and at the WSK in Belgium.

Forè Remains at the Top

His first season with the CRG Team continues excellently for Davide Forè. Confidence now reigns between the team members and the Italian driver, who carries on fervently his development work with a view to the World Super KF Championship and the World Cup for KZ1, without neglecting the races that precede these two major 2009 events.
On 23 and 24 May, Davide moved to Japan for the Super KF World Cup, an event he has already won twice in the past. “It is very exciting to race on the Suzuka track, within the same circuit used by Formula 1” Davide noted. “I like its very fast layout, which is different from European tracks. Pity we missed the podium for a slight decrease in performances. It must be said that there were 30 drivers within five tenths/sec in timed practice and the outcome of the race remained undecided until the very end”.
Finally, his chances to mount on the podium were wiped out by an ignition problem. “With the team and the engine mechanic we found new solutions, still to be explored, and I think our competitiveness is bound to improve again over the next few weeks. Super KF is the top category of karting and at this level you cannot improvise. This is why we are not going to reduce our efforts in the future”.

CRG Driver Sets the Example

Three weeks later, on 13 and 14 June, Davide Forè was at the wheel of his gearbox CRG-Maxter, at Genk (Belgium), for the fourth round of the WSK. This time in KZ2, he never left the leading pack after setting the 7th best time among 45 drivers. Though he lost a few points in one heat, he scored many more in the pre-final, in the rain, recovered six places and set the best times. “In the final, the track began to dry, but it remained rather slippery and very damp outside the good trajectory. At the beginning of the race, everything went well and I thought I could conquer a podium. But my adjustments proved to be less suitable when the track dried. So I lost a few places and ended up where I was at the start: sixth”. Now that there are only a few days to go before the European KZ1 Championship in Germany, where Forè will be one of the favourites, the Italian driver can make a positive assessment of this race as for the level of his performances and those of his team. “A big thank you to all the people who support me: the CRG-Maxter team, my mechanic, who understands my needs very well, my engine mechanic Patrick Savard, and my partners, CO.ME.AR, Sat-Telefonia, Scaglioni and Corte Francesco”.

Publié le 19/06/2009

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