
CRG Wins in KZ1 & KF2 and Leads the Game in KF3

  During the French round of the WSK Euro Series, the CRG Racing Team and brands belonging to the CRG group where constantly in the spotlight on the podiums of the circuit of Val d’Argenton. In all the classes, drivers wearing the well-known black CRG suits fought among the leaders. In the end, the final […]

CRG Wins in KZ1 & KF2 and Leads the Game in KF3



During the French round of the WSK Euro Series, the CRG Racing Team and brands belonging to the CRG group where constantly in the spotlight on the podiums of the circuit of Val d’Argenton. In all the classes, drivers wearing the well-known black CRG suits fought among the leaders. In the end, the final assessment was very positive from the result viewpoint: Jorrit Pex, one of CRG Holland drivers, won in KZ1. Jordon Lennox-Lamb was third in KZ2 Final 1, and then climbed onto the second step of the podium in Final 2. In KF2, Felice Tiene won in the most populated and hard-fought class. And in KF3, Alex Palou took the lead of the Championship thanks to his third place in the final…


KZ1: Pex Continues to Win
After the 5th and 6th places conquered by Davide Forè and Fabian Federer on Saturday in Final 1, it was Jonathan Thonon’s turn to show his great competitiveness in Final 2. At the wheel of his CRG-Maxter, he moved quickly as high as second place, but then was forced to withdraw owing to a problem with the water pump belt. And right when he was in Jorrit Pex’s wake! By perfectly mastering his CRG-TM from the CRG Holland team, Pex rode alone to victory, just one month after victoriously finishing the WSK Master Series.




KZ2: Lennox-Lamb Fights Until the End
After setting the pole position during practice and conquering a third place in Final 1 on Saturday, Jordon Lennox-Lamb just missed out on victory in Final 2. He took the lead twice towards the end of the race, but then decided to secure his second place, just 0.4 seconds behind the winner. But the British driver is well placed in the WSK provisional classification.




KF2: Great Performance by Tiene!
There was a hard-fought battle during the final, where many were aiming for victory. Starting 4th, Felice Tiene move swiftly to the attack. His CRG/BMB-KVS proved to be very powerful and Felice perfectly managed his race, carving his way up through the pack to cross the finish line as the winner. Tom Joyner (LH Racing Team) came very close to joining the Italian driver on the podium. The British driver set the fastest lap time in the race and staged the most extraordinary performance of the weekend by climbing up from 32nd to 4th place. Fantastic!




KF3: Palou Confirms His Worth!
New leader of the European KF3 Championship after his victory at Varennes sur Allier, Alex Palou has kept his momentum going. In wet as well as in dry conditions, the Spanish driver and his CRG-BMB are really formidable. Winner of three heats and second in the pre-final, Palou never gave up and contributed to CRG excellent overall result in this WSK Euro Series by taking the third step of the podium. Thanks to this performance he has consolidated his position as leader of the overall classification.

Publié le 08/05/2012

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