
Alban Authié on his Way to Braga

Alban Authié on his Way to Braga Thanks to the very satisfactory results obtained at the European qualifying round for the Western Region at Alcaniz in Spain, Alban Authié conquered a place for the European KF2 Championship at Braga (P), in early August. On a difficult track that he did not know, with a new […]

Alban Authié on his Way to Braga

Alban Authié on his Way to Braga
Thanks to the very satisfactory results obtained at the European qualifying round for the Western Region at Alcaniz in Spain, Alban Authié conquered a place for the European KF2 Championship at Braga (P), in early August. On a difficult track that he did not know, with a new material and the support of a new structure, Alban made progress throughout a very intense racing weekend, which culminated in his 8th position in Race 1, after a very difficult recovery. A collision in the following race stopped his momentum and deprived him of the automatic qualification for the World Cup for KF2 at La Conca. However, given the rapid improvement of his performances this year, Alban can play his cards well at an international level.

Alban Authié on his Way to Braga

Eternally unsatisfied, Alban showed a hint of disappointment at the end of his Spanish weekend. He wanted to show his full potential by conquering a good position in Race 2, especially because he felt he could make it. Evidently he would not rest until he conquered an important podium. Unfortunately, there is no room for mistakes now and the situation evolves very rapidly. Without Sodikart and the Eurokarting Team, currently in Sweden, Alban discovered a new team and his new CRG within Danilo Rossi’s structure. Evidently there was a good feeling between them: “Danilo is the boss”, Alban explained, “but the team is really ready to listen to what pilots say. We work in team with José Cautela, Bernardo Arnaut and Emil Bernstoff. I found the CRG chassis very effective, very reactive and very fast”.

This pilot from Béziers discovered the Alcaniz circuit for the first time during free practice, which was not an advantage for him: “I like this track, it is really different from the ones I know, with its steep ascents and down hills. Moreover, infrastructures are of top level”.

The Competition Film
Alban missed the first round of timed qualifying when his engine refused to start. In the second round, the engine performance was not completely satisfactory. He set the 50th time and as a consequence started from the 9th row in the heats, with all the collision risks that ensue. However he staged a superb recovery, thanks to his kart in particular good shape, and avoided all the traps. When rain started to fall during one of the heats, his performance was not as good: he went out of track, had problems with his exhaust valve but despite all this finished 14th, with all his chances intact. Maybe, as he himself admitted, he showed an excess of enthusiasm and therefore lost a few places.

Alban started from the 25th place in Race 1 and he drove a “dream race”, the “most beautiful race in my life!”, as he said. He knew he was fast, his confidence grew and everything worked fine. After a series of passes, he recovered position after position and managed to reach the leading group just near the finishing line. Verdict: 8th position and 17 places recovered. Really good. “I would have wanted the race to go on forever! I was busy overtaking at each single lap, so I could not set the best time”. His usual desire to be the best! Unfortunately, his second race was frustrating. During the first lap, the pilots preceding him had a collision and Alban could not avoid them. The front-wheel axle unit of his kart was damaged. Alban found himself in the last position, losing 10′ at each lap. But he did not give up, just in case other pilots withdrew, although he was forced to return to the stands after the 6th lap. A real pity.

But the overall assessment is excellent: “I think I made up for the lost ground, it is only my third year in karting. I have been feeling more relaxed recently, I feel under less pressure and this is working!”

Publié le 17/07/2008

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