
Lindeman wins the Micro Max Final

It was already over 30° in Le Mans for the Micro Max Final of the RMCIT. Majus Mazinas (Parolin/Rotax) remained the leader and took a small lead from the first lap. Mattis Brageot (Redspeed/Rotax) was 2nd followed by Senn Lindeman (Birel ART/Rotax). Lennox Litzinger (Tony Kart/Rotax) lost his 4th position to Jean Poujol (LN/Rotax) and […]

Lindeman wins the Micro Max Final

It was already over 30° in Le Mans for the Micro Max Final of the RMCIT. Majus Mazinas (Parolin/Rotax) remained the leader and took a small lead from the first lap. Mattis Brageot (Redspeed/Rotax) was 2nd followed by Senn Lindeman (Birel ART/Rotax). Lennox Litzinger (Tony Kart/Rotax) lost his 4th position to Jean Poujol (LN/Rotax) and Albert Friend (Tony Kart/Rotax). Léni Robillot Lagache (Tony Kart/Rotax) moved up to 6th place. Lindeman was leading Mazinas in 1st position while Friend was coming back strong on the leading duo. Lindeman climbed Mazinas’ kart, but the race continued with Mazinas in the lead, followed by Friend and Lindeman. Friend took the lead at the halfway point in an extremely compact trio. Lindeman was getting impatient behind Mazinas. The attacks multiplied and the leaders followed one another. Robillot Lagache was 4th at 1”. Mazinas started the last lap in the lead, but Friend was able to get through the last corners and crossed the line first before being disqualified for a technical problem. Lindeman was then declared winner and Robillot Lagache came back very fast to take 2nd place ahead of Mazinas. Brageot finished 4th ahead of Antton Bouchard (Sodi/Rotax) +8 pl.

Info Kartcom with Kartlink / Photo © KSP

Publié le 30/07/2022

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