
Person registration and guest driver entry for DKM Kerpen

In a few days, the German Kart Championship in Kerpen will start the new season. Due to the Corona pandemic, the organizers are forced to follow special measures. For this purpose, an extensive hygiene concept has been developed, which is available for download here. In order to comply with the permitted number of 600 people […]

Person registration and guest driver entry for DKM Kerpen

In a few days, the German Kart Championship in Kerpen will start the new season. Due to the Corona pandemic, the organizers are forced to follow special measures. For this purpose, an extensive hygiene concept has been developed, which is available for download here.

In order to comply with the permitted number of 600 people for the race in Kerpen, the DKM is forced to closely monitor the group of people for the race event. To do this, it is essential that every person registers in advance via the DMSB online portal. It is foreseen that each applicant will centrally register all persons involved with him. Each driver may be accompanied by a mechanic and, in the case of minors, by a legal guardian. In addition, each person must fill out a Covid-19 self-disclosure form, which must be presented in Kerpen.

Registration must be made by 05.08.2020 – 23:59 by following this link in the DMSB online portal. Each registered person receives a personalized barcode in the DMSB app and via e-mail, only with presentation of these codes access to the venue is granted. Upon entering the premises, each person will receive a distance control unit (DCU) from Thursday on, which is always to be carried. The DCU detects/registers if people get too close and the minimum distance of 1.5 m is not observed. The DCU issues a visual and audible warning and stores the event in a cloud-based close contact diary. Thus, in the case of a Covid-19 infection of a person involved in the event, the infection chain can be easily tracked. Every evening, the DCU must be returned for disinfection when leaving the premises.

Furthermore, a mouth-nose protection is mandatory throughout the event grounds, public facilities are constantly disinfected. Teams must ensure sufficient distance and the establishment of disinfection units in their area. An infringement leads to the exclusion of the event.

The numerous protective measures such as protective walls, hygiene dispensers, continuous cleaning of all public buildings and security personnel cause an increased cost, which is why we charge a cost share of 19.90 € per registered person (applicants, mechanics, drivers, legal guardians) for the event. This can be easily paid by pay-pal when registering online.

Guest driver entry now possible
The entry for guest starters is now also possible here. Drivers can fill out the online form and the registration of persons at the same time. The payment of the nominal fee (487.40 €) is made directly afterwards via PayPal.

The entire DKM team is looking forward to the start of the season and hopes to have created a basis for a successful implementation with the hygiene concept. The health of all parties involved is highest priority and all measures must be respected, despite additional circumstances.

Info & Photo DMSB-DKM

Publié le 03/08/2020

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