
De Conto the new World Champion in front of Abbasse

  The Final of the 2017 World KZ Championship looked very uncertain with a good handful of favourites on the front rows. The overcast weather should remain dry throughout the 26 laps. Two Frenchmen, Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM) and Jérémy Iglesias (Formula K / TM) shared the front row. Iglesias made the best start, […]

De Conto the new World Champion in front of Abbasse



The Final of the 2017 World KZ Championship looked very uncertain with a good handful of favourites on the front rows. The overcast weather should remain dry throughout the 26 laps. Two Frenchmen, Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM) and Jérémy Iglesias (Formula K / TM) shared the front row. Iglesias made the best start, followed by Patrik Hajek (Kosmic / Vortex), ahead of Abbasse and Paolo De Conto (CRG / TM). Following a mistake by Hajek, Abbasse took 1st place in front of De Conto on the second lap. Simo Puhakka (Kosmic / Vortex) took over in 3rd position, followed by Jorrit Pex (CRG / TM) and Ben Hanley (Croc Promotions / TM). Federer had given up after a clash with Lammers who restarted very far back. J.Pex attacked Puhakka for 3rd position, which gave a little gap to the first two. De Conto attacked Abbasse on lap 8 and became the new leader of the race.


Marijn Kremers (Birel ART / TM) recovered 6th, two seconds from Puhakka, Douglas Lundberg (Sodi / TM) was 7th ahead of Pedro Hiltbrand (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Stan Pex (CRG / TM). Abbasse did not let De Conto escape more than two tenths while J.Pex and Hanley were trying to come back. The Briton outbraked the Dutchman in mid-race for 3rd place. Was Abbasse waiting for his time or was De Conto untouchable? It was hard to tell at this point.


After a long series of laps wheel to wheel, De Conto retained the advantage and won his second World Championship in a row, 0.337 ” ahead of Abbasse who obviously could not do better. Hanley completed the 2017 world podium in front of J.Pex and Puhakka, Kremers finished 6th, Lundberg 7th and S.Pex 8th, both with a eight place gain.




Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photos KSP

Publié le 10/09/2017

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