
World KZ Wackersdorf: Puhakka the fastest in free practice

  Simo Puhakka (Kosmic / Vortex) scored the fastest time – 46”473 – followed by 88 thousandths by Paolo De Conto (CRG / TM) after the three official free practice sessions at the KZ World Championship, followed by Jeremy Iglesias (Formula K / TM) by 0.141 “. The session seemed a little slower with Stan […]

World KZ Wackersdorf: Puhakka the fastest in free practice



Simo Puhakka (Kosmic / Vortex) scored the fastest time – 46”473 – followed by 88 thousandths by Paolo De Conto (CRG / TM) after the three official free practice sessions at the KZ World Championship, followed by Jeremy Iglesias (Formula K / TM) by 0.141 “. The session seemed a little slower with Stan Pex (CRG / TM) leading followed by Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM). Marijn Kremers (Birel ART / TM) and Bas Lammers (Sodi / TM) were also among the top 10 with Pedro Hiltbrand (Tony Kart / Vortex). Marco Ardigo (Tony Kart / Vortex) was on good form for his return, Lorenzo Camplese (Parolin / Parilla) mastered his new IAME engine, while Noah Milell (Exprit / Vortex) and Felice Tiene (Birel ART / TM) were both on the pace.



Info Kartcom

Publié le 08/09/2017

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