
KPA Scoop: Exclusive revelations regarding the 2018 calendar!

The 2018 CIK-FIA calendar is the subject of many wishes in connection with the particular situation of the end of the 2017 season. Indeed the five-year contract between the FIA ??and WSK Promotion ends this year. The expectation of the choice by the FIA of a new promoter for international events leaves room for the […]

KPA Scoop: Exclusive revelations regarding the 2018 calendar!

The 2018 CIK-FIA calendar is the subject of many wishes in connection with the particular situation of the end of the 2017 season. Indeed the five-year contract between the FIA ??and WSK Promotion ends this year. The expectation of the choice by the FIA of a new promoter for international events leaves room for the wildest of rumours. The deadline for submission of applications is 21st August. The FIA ??will then make its choice after more detailed negotiations with the candidates, normally during the third quarter of 2017.


The CIK-FIA could not wait that long to prepare the schedule for the upcoming season. Most of the work has been done by Vice President Kees van de Grint and the Geneva office. The Kart Press Association pressed heavily for exclusive information, and the CIK-FIA had to release it under increasing pressure from the most influential journalists. This is how KPA is able to disseminate this quasi-secret image, the poor quality of which reflects the difficulties it has had to overcome in order to obtain it.



In addition, the KPA has obtained a modification to the schedules after tough negotiations. In order to better explore the culinary, festive and human riches of the countries visited during the CIK-FIA karting competitions, and to benefit from a reasonable night-time rest, the first running in the morning will not be before 10:00 (local time).



Info & Photo © KPA – all right reserved

Publié le 28/07/2017

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