
Heats in progress under the Asturian sun

  The European CIK-FIA Championship shines under the sun of northern Spain, on the Fernando Alonso circuit, near Oviedo. The second round of the CIK-FIA European Championship is taking place in the Principality of Asturias, at La Morgal, on the track named after the F1 McLaren driver. Today’s programme proved once again how spectacular and […]

Heats in progress under the Asturian sun



The European CIK-FIA Championship shines under the sun of northern Spain, on the Fernando Alonso circuit, near Oviedo. The second round of the CIK-FIA European Championship is taking place in the Principality of Asturias, at La Morgal, on the track named after the F1 McLaren driver. Today’s programme proved once again how spectacular and gripping this competition is for the three categories involved KZ, OK and OK Junior. Qualifying, which took place today, made room to the heats, which will finish tomorrow morning. Then, tomorrow afternoon, the Finals which will be streamed live on and

Janker and Milell challenge each other in OK.
Noah Milell (Kosmic-Vortex-Le Cont) tries to close the gap from the seventh place he is currently occupying in the OK Championship standings. He set the fastest lap in qualifying. The Swedish completed his best lap in 56″400, only 12 milliseconds faster than the German Niki Kruetten (FA Kart-Vortex), in second place. On the other hand, the German Hannes Janker (CRG-Parilla), in the photo on top, achieved a great recovery today: he started from the last positions of the standings but managed to win the three heats he took part in. Milell won once as well as the Finnish Paavo Tonteri (Tony Kart-Vortex), the two Italian drivers Flavio Camponeschi (CRG-Parilla) and Lorenzo Travisanutto (Zanardi-Parilla). On the other hand, the French Theo Pourchaire (Kosmic-Vortex) is in troubled water: far from the top positions both in qualifying and in the heats.

Battle between De Conto and Kremers in KZ.
The Italian Paolo De Conto (CRG-TM-Bridgestone, above), the current leader of the KZ, found a great opponent in Marijn Kremers (BirelArt-TM): the Dutch managed to grab the pole with 56″512, just ahead of the De Conto, in second position for 91 milliseconds. The CRG driver, however, had his payback in the heats, where he won twice: the first ahead of the French Jeremy Iglesias (Formula K-TM) and the Dutch Bas Lammers (Sodi Kart-TM), the second ahead of Kremers and the Italian Luca Corberi (Tony Kart-Vortex). The last heat, scheduled for tomorrow morning, will end the qualifying stage before the grand finale.

Lulham dominates in OK Junior.
Big day for the British Cristopher Lulham (Tony Kart-Parilla-Vega, above): he set the best time in qualifying with 58″106 then he won all the three heats he took part in. A success each in the other races for the Australian Jack Doohan (FA-Vortex), the two English Dexter Patterson e Jonny Edgar (both on Exprit-TM) and the Russian Ilya Morozov (Tony Kart-Vortex). Still three heats remaining before the Final. The heats will be raced tomorrow: Lulham hopes to close the gap with the current Championship’s leader Edgar.



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Publié le 11/06/2017

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