
Euro Sarno: Basz and Pourchaire the fastest of Free Practice in OK

  For what it’s worth before Qualifying on Saturday morning, here is an overview of the hierarchy of the four free practice sessions of the European OK Championship, on Friday at Sarno. Karol Basz (Kosmic / Vortex) was the fastest of the OKs with 56”813, followed by six hundredths by his young team-mate Theo Pourchaire […]

Euro Sarno: Basz and Pourchaire the fastest of Free Practice in OK



For what it’s worth before Qualifying on Saturday morning, here is an overview of the hierarchy of the four free practice sessions of the European OK Championship, on Friday at Sarno. Karol Basz (Kosmic / Vortex) was the fastest of the OKs with 56”813, followed by six hundredths by his young team-mate Theo Pourchaire (Kosmic / Vortex). Paolo Tonteri (Tony Kart / Vortex), David Vidales (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Clement Novalak (Tony Kart / Vortex) finished in the top five, ahead of Dennis Hauger (CRG / Parilla), Callum Bradshaw (CRG / Parilla), Pedro Hiltbrand (Tony Kart / Vortex), Fin Kenneally (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Lorenzo Travisanutto (Zanardi / Parilla) for the top 10, just over two tenths apart. Ulysse De Pauw (Kosmic / Parilla) was 13th, Caio Collet (Birel ART / TM) 17th, Théo Nouet (Energy / Parilla) 25th, Flavio Camponeschi (CRG / Parilla) 33rd ahead of Franck Chappard (Redspeed / Parilla) and Sami Taoufik (FA Kart / Vortex), with Tom Joyner (Zanardi / Parilla) 39th.


All this will be confirmed on Saturday morning during the official Qualifying Practice. 



Info Kartcom / © Photo KSP

Publié le 21/04/2017

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