
OK net progress in the European Championship

The list of drivers registered for the CIK-FIA European Championship and the CIK-FIA European Junior Championship this year even more shows the relevance of the OK concept internationally. For their second season, these new categories have attracted a sharp increase in entries.   The interest aroused by these simple, efficient and affordable machines, in the […]

OK net progress in the European Championship

The list of drivers registered for the CIK-FIA European Championship and the CIK-FIA European Junior Championship this year even more shows the relevance of the OK concept internationally. For their second season, these new categories have attracted a sharp increase in entries.


The interest aroused by these simple, efficient and affordable machines, in the spirit of “Original Karting”, continues to grow throughout the world. In addition, the one-year lowering of the age to access the international categories of direct-drive karts inaugurated in 2017 gave a boost to the OK category while maintaining a very good level in OK-Junior. In total, these two CIK-FIA European Championships are enjoying an increase of almost 40%, with OK having almost twice as many as in 2016.



This is information that many enthusiasts and professionals in the karting industry have been looking forward to, including Kees Van De Grint, Vice-President of the CIK-FIA:


“This year is set to be a strong one for international karting. I am delighted with the success of the OK and OK-Junior categories and in particular at the CIK-FIA European Championships. With 74 Drivers involved in OK and 71 Drivers in OK-Junior, we are heading for an exciting season, especially as “Wild Cards” are going to add to the grids as well. It has been a long time since we have seen such a crowd. This is a very positive sign for the future of karting as a whole.


“Unfortunately, this is not the case for the CIK-FIA European Championship for KZ. At one point we were concerned about a cancellation, due to a insufficient number of entries. It is needless to emphasise that I was not very happy with this. Thanks to the combined efforts of the CIK-FIA, the promoter WSK Promotion and some teams, we are able to announce that 21 Drivers registered for the entire Championship. It is important for manufacturers that KZ continues to exist. This is the area reserved for professional Drivers who actively contribute to the indispensable development of the equipment. We need to discuss the future of this cutting-edge category with all parties involved in order to find viable solutions together.


“Fortunately, the 2017 CIK-FIA European Championships will be able to take place in good conditions, which was our priority.”


Info CIK-FIA / © Photo KSP

Publié le 03/04/2017

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