
Best time in OK free practice for Garcia Lopez at Portimao

  Although Marta Garcia Lopez (Evokart / Parilla) set the fastest time in the final free practice session with 55”791, Martijn Van Leeuwen (Birel ART / Parilla) and Ben Hanley (Croc Promotions / TM) were not far off. Earlier, Karol Basz (Kosmic / Vortex) and Logan Sargeant (FA Kart / Vortex) showed brilliant form, and […]

Best time in OK free practice for Garcia Lopez at Portimao



Although Marta Garcia Lopez (Evokart / Parilla) set the fastest time in the final free practice session with 55”791, Martijn Van Leeuwen (Birel ART / Parilla) and Ben Hanley (Croc Promotions / TM) were not far off. Earlier, Karol Basz (Kosmic / Vortex) and Logan Sargeant (FA Kart / Vortex) showed brilliant form, and Tom Joyner (Zanardi / Parilla) and Hannes Janker (CRG / Parilla), as well as Alexander Smolyar (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Pedro Hiltbrand (CRG / Parilla). Jorge Pescador (Praga / TM) quickly regained his feeling coming from KZ.



Info Kartcom / © Photo KSP

Publié le 24/06/2016

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