
End of free practice at Le Mans KZ2: Federer, Van Leeuwen and Piccioni

  The free practices of the 2015 KZ2 International Super Cup at Le Mans are now complete. The best times from Thursday by Fabian Federer (CRG / Maxter) – 51”330 – and Martijn Van Leeuwen (CRG / TM), were not beaten in the last two sessions on Friday morning. In contrast, Antonio Piccioni (Righetti / […]

End of free practice at Le Mans KZ2: Federer, Van Leeuwen and Piccioni



The free practices of the 2015 KZ2 International Super Cup at Le Mans are now complete. The best times from Thursday by Fabian Federer (CRG / Maxter) – 51”330 – and Martijn Van Leeuwen (CRG / TM), were not beaten in the last two sessions on Friday morning. In contrast, Antonio Piccioni (Righetti / Modena) was one of the few to improve to 51”342 while being consistently in the top rankings from the beginning. The final session allowed several drivers to make a dramatic leap in pure performance. Sean Babington (Energy / Parilla), Nicolas Gonzales (Sodi / TM) and Felice Tiene (CRG / Maxter) moved into the top ten.

38 drivers are within 3/10 of the fastest time, some of them names like Alexander Schmitz (Tony Kart / Vortex) in 13th, Luca Corberi (Tony Kart / Vortex) 14th, Joel Johansson (Energy / TM) 18th, Andreas Fasberg (Tony Kart / Vortex) 27th, and Alessio Piccini (Tony Kart / Vortex) 28th. In the French clan following Gonzales was Enzo Samon (Exprit / Vortex) on Thursday, but Pierre Loubère (Sodi / TM) progressed on Friday. Thomas Laurent (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Paolo Besancenez (Tony Kart / Vortex) have not yet peaked, but could well surprise during official qualifying.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP 

Publié le 11/09/2015

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