
Sorry, very difficult internet connection at PFI

  Serious internet problems prevent us from properly observing the second round of the European KF KF-Junior Championship at PFI. The circuit team is working to address this major concern, but so far without convincing results. We hope to cover the next qualifying session in good conditions, without having to wait for the wifi at […]

Sorry, very difficult internet connection at PFI



Serious internet problems prevent us from properly observing the second round of the European KF KF-Junior Championship at PFI. The circuit team is working to address this major concern, but so far without convincing results. We hope to cover the next qualifying session in good conditions, without having to wait for the wifi at the hotel in the late afternoon, but it is not certain. We apologize for this very annoying problem …



Info Kartcom with Kartlink

Publié le 19/06/2015

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