
Vartanyan wins the Margutti Trophy in KF in front of Lorandi

  Alexander Vartanyan (Tony Kart / Vortex) manoeuvreed perfectly to keep the lead at the start of the KF final. Richard Verschoor (Exprit / Vortex) took 2nd place after a lap, but Max Fewtrell (FA Kart / Vortex) promptly took it followed by Rokas Bacisuka (Energy / TM). Loenardo Lorandi (Tony Kart / Vortex) dropped […]

Vartanyan wins the Margutti Trophy in KF in front of  Lorandi



Alexander Vartanyan (Tony Kart / Vortex) manoeuvreed perfectly to keep the lead at the start of the KF final. Richard Verschoor (Exprit / Vortex) took 2nd place after a lap, but Max Fewtrell (FA Kart / Vortex) promptly took it followed by Rokas Bacisuka (Energy / TM). Loenardo Lorandi (Tony Kart / Vortex) dropped to 8th after the start. Vartanyan was flying with the fastest time in the category. Verschoor took 3rd place ahead of Baciuska, Christian Sorensen (Kosmic / Vortex) took 5th place in front of Benjamin Lessennes (Zanardi / Parilla), two positions which were then reversed. Lorandi came back strongly to 6th place, then went after Lessennes for 5th.


Bacisuka dropped back in the pack to 7th in front of Aatu Moilainen (Kosmic / Vortex), who was pushed out. Vartanyan was untouchable, more than 2 seconds ahead at the halfway point, but Verschoor tried to return to 2nd place from Fewtrell with excellent times, probably motivated by the rapid return of Lorandi a few lengths behind. The tactic paid off as the Dutch driver passed the British on the 13th lap. Vartanyan pushed his advantage to nearly 3” ten laps before the finish, when Lorandi joined Verschoor and Fewtrell.

Lorandi never lifted, successively attacking Fewtrell and Verschoor to grab 2nd place with five laps to go without giving them a chance to resist. Verschoor then retired as he tried to keep his 3rd place.


Vartanyan fully deserved his victory in front of an impressive Lorandi with the fastest time, with Fewtrell on the third step of the podium, Lessennes 4th, Sorensen 5th and Moilainen 6th.




Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photos KSP

Publié le 29/03/2015

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