
Stellar Team for CRG in Rotax 2015 Championships

CRG works team for Rotax 2015 Championships has been unveiled: strong presence in all categories. De Conto ready to shine in DD2, Edward Brand and Harry Webb in Senior, Alex Quinn in Junior. Debut at the Florida Winter Cup, then the complete team will be fielded at the Winter Cup of Campillos and in the […]

Stellar Team for CRG in Rotax 2015 Championships

CRG works team for Rotax 2015 Championships has been unveiled: strong presence in all categories. De Conto ready to shine in DD2, Edward Brand and Harry Webb in Senior, Alex Quinn in Junior. Debut at the Florida Winter Cup, then the complete team will be fielded at the Winter Cup of Campillos and in the Euro Rotax Max Challenge.  




A “stellar” CRG team led by team manager Martin Reuvers, with the support of HRS Racing Engines regarding the preparation and development of engines, is about to make its debut in the Rotax 2015 Championships.


The new CRG-Rotax works team for category Max DD2 will be composed by the Italian driver Paolo De Conto, by the German Luka Kamali and the Russian Semen Ryasnov. The Russian Igor Mukhin will be competing in Max DD2 Masters, while the British driver Edward Brand, the other Briton Harry Webb and the Dutch Mauricio Van der Iaan in Max Senior, and the British Alex Quinn, the Spaniard Kilian Meyer, the Israelian Ido Cohen and the German Phil Dörr in Max Junior.


Martin Reuvers devised therefore a very strong lineup for CRG team, one that is certainly ready to shine in all categories and well determined to aim to big targets.


Among the CRG “stars” in Rotax Championships, the Italian top-driver Paolo De Conto – European 2010 KZ2 Champion and 2011 KZ1 Champion – has been a strong interpreter last year also in Euro Challenge Rotax, the British Harry Webb won the world Rotax Grand Finals and the Euro Challenge Junior in 2012 and is the current Euro Challenge Senior reigning champion, while the other British driver Edward Brand came third in last year’s Euro Rotax Senior and second in the Grand Finals Rotax Senior of 2012.


Expectations are also high for the German Luka Kamali, who came to the fore last year in the Euro Challenge DD2, for the Russian Igor Mukhin who already won the Rotax DD2 Masters International Open in 2012, and for the young Briton Alex Quinn, who completed a strong growth. All Spain has high hopes on the young promise Kilian Meyer instead.


Paolo De Conto and Edward Brand will be the first to get on track at the Florida Winter Tour Rotax Max Challenge, in the race scheduled for next 25th January at the Homestead-Miami Speedway that will open a “triptych” of races that also comprises that at the Orlando Kart Center on 1st March and the Ocala Grand Prix on 29th March.


The complete CRG-Rotax team will make its debut next 15th February in Campillos (Spain) at the Winter Cup Rotax Max. The sporting programme will then continue with the 4 races of the Euro Rotax Max Challenge: 5th April in Sabris (France), 31st May in Castelletto (Italy), 26th July in Wackersdorf (Germany) and 6th September in Genk (Belgium).


The Rotax season of team CRG will also include the rounds of the Rotax Max International Cup of Angerville (France) on 11th October and the Rotax Max International Open of Adria (Italy) on 25th October.



Paolo De Conto (ITA)
Luka Kamali (DEU)
Semen Ryasnov (RUS)


Igor Mukhin (RUS)


Edward Brand (GBR)
Harry Webb (GBR)
Mauricio Van der Iaan (NLD)


Alex Quinn (GBR)
Kilian Meyer (SPA)
Ido Cohen (ISR)
Phil Dörr (DEU)


Info & Photo CRG 

Publié le 17/01/2015

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