
Fastest time in KZ2 for Thonon

  Davide Fore (CRG / TM) moved quickly up the rankings in KZ2 qualifying. Rick Dreezen (Zanardi / Parilla) and Jonathan Thonon (Praga / Parilla) then dislodged him with Paolo De Conto (Birel / TM) setting the temporary 2nd fastest time. The optimal window seemed short as performance did not improve at all in the […]

Fastest time in KZ2 for Thonon



Davide Fore (CRG / TM) moved quickly up the rankings in KZ2 qualifying. Rick Dreezen (Zanardi / Parilla) and Jonathan Thonon (Praga / Parilla) then dislodged him with Paolo De Conto (Birel / TM) setting the temporary 2nd fastest time. The optimal window seemed short as performance did not improve at all in the last 3 minutes. The 3rd or 4th lap was good, so you needed to take advantage. Thonon took pole in KZ2 with 45” 923 by 8/100 from De Conto, Dreezen finished 3rd from Fore and Ardigo. Arnaud Kozlinski (Intrepid / TM) 14th time and Bas Lammers (Formula K / Parilla) in 24th would not be satisfied.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 25/04/2014

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