
BRP Rotax: a designer trophy for the winners at Nola

  Similar to the trophy awarded for the last three F1 Grand Prix Montreal, a competition was organized internally at BRP between in-house designers for the Grand Final in 2013. Here is the trophy that will be awarded to the winners on Saturday after the world finals of the big Rotax event. The object is […]

BRP Rotax: a designer trophy for the winners at Nola



Similar to the trophy awarded for the last three F1 Grand Prix Montreal, a competition was organized internally at BRP between in-house designers for the Grand Final in 2013. Here is the trophy that will be awarded to the winners on Saturday after the world finals of the big Rotax event. The object is beautiful and contrasts with the traditional designs usually given in karting. It is built on a solid base and symbolizes movement, evoking the red of Canada and BRP, while the transparent part evokes the equality of Rotax races.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 16/11/2013

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