
WSK: 163 competitors at Zuera

  In the absence of 60 Mini, the WSK Euro Series Zuera entry is 163 drivers divided into 4 categories, roughly the same level as in the first round at La Conca. Free practice is now complete, but the performance in each class is difficult to analyze. Some teams were faced with an inexplicable loss […]

WSK: 163 competitors at Zuera



In the absence of 60 Mini, the WSK Euro Series Zuera entry is 163 drivers divided into 4 categories, roughly the same level as in the first round at La Conca. Free practice is now complete, but the performance in each class is difficult to analyze. Some teams were faced with an inexplicable loss of competitiveness on Friday, especially in KF, and the tyres have been implicated. As usual, only the verdict on Saturday morning of Qualifying will truly decisive.

In KZ1, Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM), Marco Ardigo (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Jonathan Thonon (CRG / Maxter) were back in the top positions, while Max Verstappen (CRG / TM) began and ended the day fastest. Jordon Lennox-Lamb (CRG / Parilla) and Fabian Federer (CRG / Modena) are well placed, as well as Paolo De Conto and Kozlinski (Birel / TM). The KZ2s shared their sessions with KZ1. The Energy / TM of Joel Johansson and Simas Juodvirsis each set a fastest lap, as did the consistent Simone Cunati (Top Kart / Parilla) and the amazing rookie Marijn Kremers (Birel / TM).

Out of the Juniors in KFJ, the RFM team was extremely competitive with Lando Norris (FA Kart / Vortex) and Dan Ticktum (FA Kart / Vortex) at the front. Alexander Vartanyan and Mick Betsch defended the colors of Tony Kart well and the Spaniard Alexandre Machado (Zanardi / BMB) set the fastest time in late morning.

In KF, Felice Tiene (CRG / Parilla) significantly improved his performance since the last race in the struggle against the Vortex and TM, accompanied by Tom Joyner (Zanardi / Parilla). Karol Basz (Tony Kart / Vortex), Martin Kodric (FA Kart / Vortex), Armand Convers (Kosmic / Vortex), Nicklas Nielsen (Kosmic / Vortex) and Andrea Russo (Kosmic / Vortex) were the best performers on the Vortex whereas on the TM Egor Stupenkov (Energy / TM) and Vasily Romanov (Energy / TM) were fastest.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP   

Publié le 22/03/2013

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