
Verstappen nothing other than imperial in KZ2

It was a perfect weekend for the young Dutchman Max Verstappen (CRG / TM), who added a final victory with perfect a score in the second final at La Conca. Nobody could deny him the top spot once the lights were off. Riccardo Negro (DR / TM) had the ambition, but was quickly removed from […]

Verstappen nothing other than imperial in KZ2

It was a perfect weekend for the young Dutchman Max Verstappen (CRG / TM), who added a final victory with perfect a score in the second final at La Conca. Nobody could deny him the top spot once the lights were off. Riccardo Negro (DR / TM) had the ambition, but was quickly removed from the track in favor of Patrik Hajek (Praga / Parilla), caught by teammate Bas Lammers and Fabian Federer (CRG / Modena), Jorrit Pex (CRG / TM), Simas Juodvirsis (Energy / TM), Jérémy Iglesias (Lenzo / LKE) and Paolo De Conto (Birel / TM).



The untouchable Verstappen escaped by nearly 3 seconds, but the chasing pack stayed together long enough. Lammers then fell at the bottom of standings, Hajek, Pex and Federer have raced beautifully, while De Conto took to the second place until the end. Hajek finally took the third step of the podium, and Pex was fourth ahead of Iglesias and Ben Hanley (ART GP / TM) who came from a long way back and set of the best time in the race. Charly Bizalion (BRM / TM) ensured a satisfactory 14th.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 03/02/2013

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