
Verstappen over the lot before the times

  The non-qualifying practices for the KF1 World Championship at Macau are complete and an initial hierarchy has emerged at the end of the 6 sessions completed. Despite his unfamiliarity with the Chinese track, Max Verstappen (CRG / TM) was immediately on the pace and finished with the fastest time, 46” 171, a tenth faster […]

Verstappen over the lot before the times



The non-qualifying practices for the KF1 World Championship at Macau are complete and an initial hierarchy has emerged at the end of the 6 sessions completed. Despite his unfamiliarity with the Chinese track, Max Verstappen (CRG / TM) was immediately on the pace and finished with the fastest time, 46” 171, a tenth faster than Felice Tiene (CRG / BMB), himself closely followed by Pedro Hiltbrand (FA Kart / Vortex). Fourth in times was Tom Joyner (LH / BMB) and he was followed by the young driver Matthew Solomon from Hong Kong (Kosmic / TM) and Ben Hanley (ART GP / Parilla), while Davide Fore (CRG / BMB) and Flavio Camponeschi (Tony Kart / Vortex) were very close in 7th and 8th. For now Daiki Sasaki (Kosmic / Vortex) is not among the fastest, but this should be confirmed on Saturday morning during the first official lap.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP 

Publié le 19/10/2012

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