
Ilott fastest in KF3

The temperature was still fresh at 9:30, 22 ° in the shade, when the first KF3 session went out on the track Zuera, where the temperature was already approaching 30 degrees. The  the sun began to shine brightly, giving the sensation of higher temperatures. The drivers waited until the last moment to go out on […]

Ilott fastest in KF3

The temperature was still fresh at 9:30, 22 ° in the shade, when the first KF3 session went out on the track Zuera, where the temperature was already approaching 30 degrees. The  the sun began to shine brightly, giving the sensation of higher temperatures. The drivers waited until the last moment to go out on the track. Niko Kari and Dalton Sargeant (Tony Kart / Vortex) were the first to go under 1’02. Russell (Intrepid / Vortex) was in the lead ahead of Bryan Elpitiya (Zanardi / Parilla). Nathan Aston (Intrepid / TM) and Robert Shwartzman (Intrepid / Vortex) at the end of the session took the second and third places, while George Russell clocked the fastest time with 1’01” 331. Elpitiya was fourth ahead of Alex Palou (CRG / BMB), then Dorian Boccolacci (Intrepid / TM) and Sargeant.

Alessio Lorandi (Tony Kart / Vortex), Luca Corberi (Kosmic / Vortex), and Julien Darras (Tony Kart / Parilla) opened hostilities in the second session. Corberi improved ahead of Valentin Naud (Tony Kart / Vortex) and Darras. Guilhermo Russo (FA Kart / Vortex) returned to second position, with Corberi still fastest with 1’01” 442 on the last lap. Naud was third, Darras fourth, Lorandi 5th.



Paolo Besancenez (Sodi / Parilla) was immediately fast in the third session, soon replaced by Callum Ilott (Zanardi / Parilla) at the head of the table, with Vladimir Atoev (Tony Kart / Vortex) on his heels. Martin Kodric (FA Kart / Vortex) appeared in third position, and Ilott improved to the fourth fastest time in the category. Thomas Bale (FA Kart / Vortex) joined the party in second position, then Ilott set an incredible time of 1’01” 161, 4/10 ahead of his pursuers. Behind Bale in second, Alessio Piccini (Kosmic / Vortex) took third place ahead of Javier Cobian (FA Kart / Vortex) fifth.

KF3 finished with pole going to Callum Ilott, George Russell and Luca Corberi, Aston 4th, Russo 5th. Elpitiya was 10th and the top French driver, Palou 11th, Naud 15th, Boccolacci 19th, Besancenez 20th, 21st Darras.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 04/08/2012

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