
Exceptional level of competition in Euro KF2

Many committed drivers of a very high standard are the main features of the European Championship KF2 2012, where this weekend at Wackersdorf is the first of two events. This calendar replaces the traditional regional qualifier and final for the first time and is the reason for the 122 competitors entered. The competition is also […]

Exceptional level of competition in Euro KF2

Many committed drivers of a very high standard are the main features of the European Championship KF2 2012, where this weekend at Wackersdorf is the first of two events. This calendar replaces the traditional regional qualifier and final for the first time and is the reason for the 122 competitors entered. The competition is also unusually open.



Many KF1 drivers, here at Suzuka, will participate in the European KF2 Championship this year.  


At the top level, you can count on the KF1 drivers who have few other meetings, except the two of World Championship rounds, and are racing in both categories this season. Thus Max Verstappen (Intrepid / TM), Flavio Camponeschi (Tony Kart / Vortex), Felice Tiene (CRG / BMB), Tom Joyner (LH / BMB), Tereza Gromanova (Kosmic / Vortex), Matthew Graham (Zanardi / Parilla), Anthoine Hubert (Formula K / TM) and Karol Basz (Birel / BMB) have added this event to their schedule.

But they will be tested by the top KF2 specialists including Sami Luka (Tony Kart / Vortex), the defending champion, Charles Leclerc (ART GP / Parilla), Dennis Olsen (Energy / TM), Antonio Giovinazzi (Tony Kart / Vortex), Antonio Fuoco (Tony Kart / Vortex), Stefano Cucco (Maranello / BMB), Paolo Ippolito (Kosmic / Vortex) and Kevin Rossel (Birel / BMB).

France is well represented with the already-mentioned Hubert, Pascal Belmaaziz (DR / Vortex) who we hope is completely recovered from his broken collarbone, Paul Boutonnet (Tony Kart / Parilla), Newcomer of the Year, Valentin Moineault and Remy Deguffroy (Tony Kart / Vortex), Vincent Fraïsse and Hubert Petit (Sodi / Parilla), Ingrid Girard (CRG / BMB), Victor Compere (Kosmic / Vortex) and Nicolas Gonzales (GP-Racing/TM). 



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 07/06/2012

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