
Suzuka Day 1: Camponeschi victorious in Race 1

The sky was slightly cloudy, but it’s was still over 20 ° C at Suzuka for the start of the race, the first in the KF1 World Championship 2012. The unfortunate Kazuya Ishii (Birel / BMB) who started in 10th position, was unable to complete the formation lap. Tom Joyner (LH / BMB) made the […]

Suzuka Day 1: Camponeschi victorious in Race 1

The sky was slightly cloudy, but it’s was still over 20 ° C at Suzuka for the start of the race, the first in the KF1 World Championship 2012. The unfortunate Kazuya Ishii (Birel / BMB) who started in 10th position, was unable to complete the formation lap. Tom Joyner (LH / BMB) made the best start, but Flavio Camponeschi (Tony Kart / Vortex) recovered the lead of the race before the end of the first lap. Davide Fore (CRG / BMB) was very determined, and also attacked Joyner for 3rd. Felice Tiene (CRG / BMB) was fourth, but Karol Basz (Birel / BMB) was held up a little after he launched an attack on Jordon Lennox-Lamb (CRG / BMB), in 5th.




Tiene passed Joyner, and stole Fore’s second place. Max Verstappen (Intrepid / TM), starting from the penultimate row, was in around the 25th place on the 3rd lap. Daiki Sasaki (Kosmic / Vortex) was strong from his 12th place on the grid, with Basz, and these were the two drivers to watch. They also engaged in a great duel at the end of the race. Camponeschi was unbeatably in the lead, Fore stabilized in fifth position, just behind Tiene and in front of Lennox-Lamb. In seventh, Joyner was followed by Armand Philo (Tony Kart / Vortex) who passed Kozlinski (PCR / TM) in ninth and Anthoine Hubert (Formula K / TM) in 10th.

Among the fine recoveries, Tereza Gromanova (Kosmic / Vortex) often loses some time early in the race but ended on a good pace that allowed her to beat Verstappen and De Brabander. Before Camponeschi’s victory, the final battle was between Basz and Sasaki, and the Pole’s braking was impressive at the end. Tiene finished 4th, Fore 5th, Lennox-Lamb sixth, Joyner 7th, Armand 8th, Hubert 9th and Kozlinski 10th.




Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photos KSP

Publié le 19/05/2012

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