
Roy does it again

There was a strange start for the KZ2 final, where the front row is outflanked by those following. This was Cedric Goudant (Tony Kart / TM) who led from Julien Poncelet (Formula K / TM), in third was Christophe Benoit (Birel / TM) followed by Maxime Roy (Tony Kart / TM) and Charles Fiault (Sodi […]

Roy does it again

There was a strange start for the KZ2 final, where the front row is outflanked by those following. This was Cedric Goudant (Tony Kart / TM) who led from Julien Poncelet (Formula K / TM), in third was Christophe Benoit (Birel / TM) followed by Maxime Roy (Tony Kart / TM) and Charles Fiault (Sodi / Maxter), then Mathieu Gaillard (Energy / Maxter). Poncelet attacked, outbraking Goudant to seize the lead on the second lap. Gaillard was threatening and passed Goudant before disposing of Poncelet for the lead. Roy was also strong and was third before passing for 2nd on lap 5.




At the halfway point, Roy returned to Gaillard’s bumper, both drivers having already left their pursuers 2s back. Gaillard got away. Fiault passed Benoit to gain 5th. Suddenly, on lap 11, Gaillard stopped, apparently a victim of a mechanical problem. Goudant found an opening on Poncelet, then went to the back along with Fiault after contact.


Maxim Roy was moving towards a well deserved second victory, while Julien Poncelet was on the second step of the podium for a very successful return to competition, with Christophe Benoit on the 3rd step. Pierre Ragues finished 4th in front of Nolan Mantione and Thierry Delré.




Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photos KSP

Publié le 01/04/2012

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