
CRG: Excellent Impression in KF

CRG President Giancarlo Tinini made a difficult decision when he chose BMB engines prepared by the Czech KVS for all the KFs of the team. But his choice proved to be successful already on the very first meeting, the WSK Master Series of La Conca, since CRG chassis showed all their qualities with Felice Tiene’s […]

CRG: Excellent Impression in KF

CRG President Giancarlo Tinini made a difficult decision when he chose BMB engines prepared by the Czech KVS for all the KFs of the team. But his choice proved to be successful already on the very first meeting, the WSK Master Series of La Conca, since CRG chassis showed all their qualities with Felice Tiene’s victory in KF2 and Spanish driver Alex Palou’s performances in KF3.




Tiene brilliantly coped with a formidable rival, Max Verstappen, in KF2. The Italian driver used all his experience to get the best out of his excellent CRG kart and won 3 heats out of 4, and immediately afterwards conquered the pre-final and the final race. On the podium he was obviously happy to have won again and showed extreme confidence about the future potential of his CRG/BMB. The icing on the cake for the CRG group came from a fantastic 3rd place conquered by the British driver Tom Joyner behind the wheel of a LH chassis manufactured by CRG.




In KF3, Alex Palou did his new team proud from timed qualifying – 3rd fastest time – to the pre-final A – 2nd place – and the final, where he barely missed the podium after an intense fight at the front. Young US driver Santino Ferrucci was also very convincing on his second meeting in Europe, setting very fast times.


Thanks to a fruitful partnership with KVS, it did not take long for new CRG chassis to find their way to victory in KF, and this bodes well for an exciting 2012 season for the Desenzano company.


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Publié le 12/03/2012

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