
Ortona: Grand final with the WSK Final Cup

All the manufacturers along with the leading teams in the international karting are getting ready for 2011 closing event at the Circuito Internazionale d’Abruzzo in Ortona, Italy. Live broadcast on Rai Sport 1 Sunday, November 30 from 01:00 p.m. to 02:45 Stars final in Ortona with the WSK Final Cup. It is getting near the […]

Ortona: Grand final with the WSK Final Cup

All the manufacturers along with the leading teams in the international karting are getting ready for 2011 closing event at the Circuito Internazionale d’Abruzzo in Ortona, Italy. Live broadcast on Rai Sport 1 Sunday, November 30 from 01:00 p.m. to 02:45

Stars final in Ortona with the WSK Final Cup. It is getting near the concluding weekend of the karting season by WSK Promotion and it is already race to enter the event that is closing in style the year 2011.Three weeks before the event there are as many as 170 entries from more than 50 Racing Teams. TV live broadcast on Rai Sport 1, covering the Finals of every class Sunday, October 30 from 01:00 p.m. to 02:45 p.m., will add more appeal to the already awaited WSK Final Cup.




All the manufacturers and the leading karting teams will be in Ortona. All the Manufacturers along with the leading teams of international karting are getting ready to fill the paddock at the Circuito Internazionale D’Abruzzo that is hosting for the first time a WSK event. Among them, there are AB Motorsport Racing Team; ACR; All Black Motorsport; AV Racers; Baby Race; Birel Motorsport; Centro Italia Corse; Chiesa Corse; Comer Top Kart; CRG; Dep Competition; DFR; DR; Emilia Kart; Energy Corse; Gamoto; Gandolfi Ennio Racing; G Kart Team; GRT; Intrepid Driver Program; Jan Kuovi; Kart Club Locarno; Kartronix International; Kosmic; Kosmic Racing Department; Le Gazzelle; LH Racing Team/Italsport; Luxor Racing Team; MGM Racing; Millennium Motorsport; MKF-Motorsport; Morsicani Racing; MRM; Msport Karting; MT Racing; Orion Racing Team; PF International; Prima Racing; Ricky Flynn Motorsport; Sean GP; Sinedmotorsport; Sportella; T3M Sport; Taglienti Kart; Team Komarov; Team Zinner; TK Racing; Tony Kart Racing team; Tony Kart Junior Racing Team; Ward Racing; Williams Motorsport.


KZ1: all the top drivers at the grand final. Once again, the best champions are parading for a great karting show. Among them, a mention to Italians Marco Ardigò (Tony Kart-Vortex) and Sauro Cesetti (Birel-BMB), French Armand Convers (Kosmic-Vortex), Italian Paolo De Conto (Energy-TM), Belgian Rick Dreezen (Tony Kart-Vortex), Italian Davide Foré (CRG-Maxter), French Arnaud Kozlinsky (CRG-Maxter), Dutch Bas Lammers (Intrepid-TM), Italians Alessandro Piccini (Tony Kart-Vortex) and Roberto Toninelli (Lenzo Kart-TM) and the big Dutch Beitske Visser (Intrepid-TM). Not to mention Czech Patrick Hajek (Tony Kart-Vortex) and French Gianni Gazzurelli (FA Kart-Vortex) that are ready to make a bid for top positions. Moreover, what’s new is that two gifted drivers such as English Jordon Lennox-Lamb and Italian Felice Tiene are competing for the first time in KZ1, seeing that their official team CRG has entered them to the top class. Finally, among KZ2 strongest drivers there are Dutch champion Joey Hanssen (Lenzo Kart-TM), Czech Martin Doubek (Tony Kart-Vortex), the promising from Siena Mirko Torsellini (CRG-Maxter) as well as Italians Riccardo Negro (DR-Parilla) and Luigi Musio (Intrepid-TM).


Once again, great show for 60 Mini. Like every WSK event this year, this time too, class 60 Mini will have a well-deserved space to perform. The class attended by the younger drivers, who WSK Promotion follows closely, is performing again on an international stage, which the WSK Final Cup is putting on in Ortona.



Info WSK Promotion –  / © Photos Images

Publié le 14/10/2011

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