
Revenge for Thonon

  Jonathan Thonon (CRG / Maxter) and Paolo De Conto (Energy / TM) have been on the front row of the last three KZ1 heats, now in A against B. De Conto started impeccably, Lammers tried to sneak past, but to no avail, Thonon retained second place ahead of Dreezen and Toninelli and Lammers and […]

Revenge for Thonon



Jonathan Thonon (CRG / Maxter) and Paolo De Conto (Energy / TM) have been on the front row of the last three KZ1 heats, now in A against B. De Conto started impeccably, Lammers tried to sneak past, but to no avail, Thonon retained second place ahead of Dreezen and Toninelli and Lammers and Catt fought for 4th place.

T2: De Brabander passed Lammers, Hajek pulled in to the pits.
T4: Toninelli threatened Dreezen, Thonon was slightly closer to De Conto.
T6: De Brabander attacked Toninelli then Dreezen, Lammers took the opportunity to pass.
T7: De Conto controlled Thonon well. De Brabander set the fastest lap. Fore was eighth ahead of Kozlinski and Catt.
T8: De Brabander closed up to Dreezen. Fore passed Lavanant.
T9: Thonon was nearer to De Conto (+0.6”)
T10: De Brabander attempted to pass Dreezen, but was too far back.
T12: Thonon started to threaten De Conto (+0.3”)
T13: De Conto desperately tried to close the doors on the last lap, trying different lines but Thonon skillfully prepared for the final corner, the big fast curve before the finish line. He recrossed De Conto on the exit and passed him while accelerating to cross the line with a 9 mil lead. Well done!


Dreezen finished 3rd, De Brabander 4th, Fore 5th and Lavanant 6th.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 11/06/2011

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