
The KZ1 “Aces” Will All Be At Wackersdorf

  The entry lists for the European KZ1 and KZ2 Championships will shortly be published. This year these European Championships will be held over one single event. The option taken by the CIK-FIA shows its justification as it is supported by the Drivers, whose number will be much larger than in previous seasons. In KZ2 […]

The KZ1 “Aces” Will All Be At Wackersdorf



The entry lists for the European KZ1 and KZ2 Championships will shortly be published. This year these European Championships will be held over one single event. The option taken by the CIK-FIA shows its justification as it is supported by the Drivers, whose number will be much larger than in previous seasons. In KZ2 the field will comprise well over a hundred competitors and more than forty are entered in KZ1. Bas Lammers will bear the No. 1 devolved upon the winner of the 2010 World Cup. His opponents will include his own teammates, in particular Jérémy Iglesias, as well as his compatriot and female teammate, Beitske Visser, who last year was honoured by the awarding of the special prize from the FIA Women and Motor Sport Commission. Lammers will also have to fend off the whole host of official works Drivers and gearbox kart specialists, namely Jonathan Thonon, Davide Fore, Alessandro Piccini, Arnaud Kozlinski, Rick Dreezen, Roberto Toninelli, Paolo De Conto, Robert Dirks, Gary Carlton, Thomas Mich, Tony Lavanant, Anthony Abbasse, Sauro Cesetti, Simo Puhakka, Yannick de Brabander, Ben Hanley, Armand Convers, Patrick Hajek and, last but not least, the big revelation of the latest World Cup, the Finn Oskari Kurki-Suonio.

This major KZ meeting is scheduled for 11-12 June 2011 at Wackersdorf, in Germany, where the World KF1 Championship protagonists will also gather. An excellent cast!



Info CIK / © Photo KSP

Publié le 12/05/2011

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