
The Revolutionnary Chest Protector by MIR

  The Material used in the Inserts is what makes MIR‘s new Chest Protector so exceptional … This long established Italian company has always been a manufacturer specialising in karting apparel, and now presents its brand new chest protector with some ground-breaking features. Bruno Mazzeschi, owner of the company, has always been a strong supporter […]

The Revolutionnary Chest Protector by MIR



The Material used in the Inserts is what makes MIR‘s new Chest Protector so exceptional …

This long established Italian company has always been a manufacturer specialising in karting apparel, and now presents its brand new chest protector with some ground-breaking features. Bruno Mazzeschi, owner of the company, has always been a strong supporter of the fact that the non-rigid chest protectors are better than those made with a very hard protective structure; inside the innovative PRO-TOR EIP there are inserts in a revolutionary material that increases safety levels for drivers.

A vest and, therefore, not a traditional corset style: this means that the PRO-TOR EIP by MIR protector is much more “stable” than other versions. Stability which generates higher safety levels, as well as greater comfort for the driver because – thanks to the elastic structure – when he puts it on the chest protector fits perfectly around the chest, without any movement at all. The vest is made of a hypoallergenic, breathable fabric that can guarantee an exceptional level of comfort for drivers. Another characteristic of this vest is the anti-sweat fabric; i.e. the driver’s body never has that unpleasant “clammy wet” feeling, even in situations where the temperature is very high. The entire vest is made of an elasticised fabric, to prevent it moving around when worn and, more importantly, to be able to adapt better to all the various sizes, from XXXS to XXXL, and satisfy the needs of both over size and extra small drivers. The inserts are differentiated in three areas: [1] front, thicker (10 mm Poron Xrd and 5 mm Plastazote) [2] sides (10 mm Poron XRD) and [3] back, thinner (5 mm of Poron XRD) for better comfort.




Poron Xrd is used for the inserts on MIR’s new chest protectors, an innovative plastic material that provides cushioning and unparalleled level of flexibility compared to all the other resins currently on the market; it has a controlled deformation property that allows it to absorb shock and impact (on the video blow, see how this material reacts to the rebound of a bowling ball thrown from a height of a few metres).

The designers of this material (used, among other things, in armoured vests, protection for baseball players and motocross riders) also focused on its working life, so the vest, despite being subjected to constant stress, will not deform and does not lose its mechanical properties. In addition, on the front panel Poron XRD insert, there is also a percentage of Plastazote to avert the danger of perforation.



Info MIR

Publié le 14/04/2011

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