
Manuel Renaudie from 2011 with Swiss Hutless

  2010 was the last season for Manuel Renaudie as professional kart driver. From January 2011 he will take the direction of the raceteam from Swiss Hutless. He will also provide informations to our dealers and customers about technical questions.   Niklaus Gurtner, CEO from Swiss Hutless comment the cooperation as follows :  “I know […]

Manuel Renaudie from 2011 with Swiss Hutless



2010 was the last season for Manuel Renaudie as professional kart driver. From January 2011 he will take the direction of the raceteam from Swiss Hutless. He will also provide informations to our dealers and customers about technical questions.


Niklaus Gurtner, CEO from Swiss Hutless comment the cooperation as follows :

 “I know Manuel personally since many years and hold him in high regard as professional kart driver and as an honest, serious and reliable person. We are very happy to have Manuel on board as one more „kart pro” for our company! Manuel will give his huge experience to the young and aspiring driver as responsible for the new racing departement, so that our ambitious aims will fulfill as soon as possible. Track the events in our race team in the near future on ! With the technical support, which Manuel can give to our dealers all over the world, we will have a solid foundation to obtain our success in foreign countries so that we are able to defend several national championships.
In cooperation with Manuel we will press ahead further developments of our already successful and good working chassis and we are sure that we can expand the dealer district. We all are glad to co-operate with Manuel!”


Manuel Renaudie :

“The decision to rule off my sportive career wasn’t that easy. But I can give all my experience, which I gained the last years, to young drivers and I can incorporate my experience also in different projects. I am looking forward to it” so said Manuel.


“Manu” obtained several national and international successes, for instance :

 – German champion KZ2, 2010
– Fourth World championship KZ1, 2010
– Runner-up European championship Super-KF, 2009
– Second World Cup Super-KF, 2009
– Third Asia-Pacific championship category Super-KF, 2008
– Fourth World championship KZ1, 2006
– Fourth World championship Formula A, 2004

– Italian champion Formula A, 2003


Just to mention the most important successes.


Concluding “Manu” likes to express his gratitude: “I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who supported me on my way (there are to many to list…). Furthermore thanks to Anton van Grunsven and Toine from AVG-Racing, Mario Lorenzi and Cesare Speranza from PCR, Franco Drudi from TM and Stefano Mantese, Company Vega for their support in my last season and also for their understanding in my decision”.





Info SWISS / Photo KSP

Publié le 17/12/2010

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