
The Zuera World Championship is already causing a rumpus

Too  many clouds hovering over the management of the pre tests for the World Championship on the Zuera circuit.     Everyone knows how important it is in the karting sector to be able to perform tests close to a race. For this reason the regulations of the World Championship (which this year will be […]

The Zuera World Championship is already causing a rumpus

Too  many clouds hovering over the management of the pre tests for the World Championship on the Zuera circuit.




Everyone knows how important it is in the karting sector to be able to perform tests close to a race. For this reason the regulations of the World Championship (which this year will be dedicated to the KF2 and will be held on September 15 – 19 at the Zuera circuit) are very clear, in order to PUT EVERYONE AT THE SAME LEVEL: it is prohibited to use the track which will host the world championship from the Saturday before the race itself (in this case September 11th, 2010). Precisely for this reason, for the 2010 edition, the organizer i.e. the track itself, had provided precise dates for the collective tests for all those competing in the World Championship, more specifically 23 – 24 August and 30-31 August. Rather ‘difficult’ dates as they do not allow you to reach the track, test and then “leave” the materials, vehicles etc… there in order to reduce transport costs. Despite this “inconvenience” the burden of the expenses, Chiesa Corse decided to exploit the only dates available for the tests, along with Energy Corse, the Virus Team, Millennium Team, the driver Heche, Keijzer Racing, just to name a few. Others less fortunate, however, decided not to carry out the tests, because of the “double travel expenses”.



In fact the possibility of an extra test before the race could have been proposed: exactly from September 6-10 (ideal dates and appropriate for minimizing costs!). In that time bracket, the regulation did not prohibit tests for participants in the world championship. Too bad the track was already booked for an (imaginary?) “Honda Race”. This is what was indicated on the official circuit website and repeated constantly by the circuit managers contacted by teams to request extra dates for the karting tests. Everything was normal, at least until “radio paddock” started to spread rumours in mid- August, with confirmation arriving on Monday, September 6, that a manufacturer was going to test his vehicles on the very same dates set for the “Honda Race” at the Zuera circuit. “Impossible” – the operators immediately exclaim – because the website (as seen in the “screen-shot” taken on September 6th, 2010, at 19:01) indicates that the track is still booked for the Honda Race. But the fact is that this race did not take place and nobody was able (except one manufacturer whose name is not worth mentioning here) to organize the trip at such short notice.


Chiesa Corse believes there is only room for one rather bitter comment by its manager, Dino Chiesa: “I believe this difference in treatment of which we were the victims is not good for the karting world. I do not want to see things with such an evil eye. But the fact is that a manufacturer was informed of the possibility to do extra test rounds and all the others were not. So, I repeat what I said earlier: I do not think it was a carefully contrived plan. This coincidence, however, creates a false start for the outcome of the World Championship and reveals the fact that Zuera is not up to managing an event of this importance for our sport and the promotion of the same”.

Download full presse release below.


Info Chiesa Corse  / © Photo KSP

Publié le 11/09/2010

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