
U18 D-6: New Deal

  Within a few days of the beginning of the competition and with the unofficial lap times achieved by the Drivers during the preliminary tests on 6 July at Ostricourt (FRA) as the only points of reference, it is difficult to engage in the game of forecasts for the first event of the brand new […]

U18 D-6: New Deal



Within a few days of the beginning of the competition and with the unofficial lap times achieved by the Drivers during the preliminary tests on 6 July at Ostricourt (FRA) as the only points of reference, it is difficult to engage in the game of forecasts for the first event of the brand new CIK-FIA “U18” World Championship to be held on 24-25 July at Wackersdorf in Germany. More especially as an original parameter is added to the ones applied in other CIK-FIA Championships: equal engines, of the same make and allocated to the Drivers by drawing lots.

Although the Italians are the most represented with 14 entries out of 70, it is Britain which on paper seems to count the largest number of favourites. The Drivers with the richest list of international results are Dennis Jake (Top Kart), second in the 2009 CIK-FIA World Cup for KF3, and Jordan Chamberlain (Intrepid), 2009 CIK-FIA European KF2 Champion.

Over the last few years, Finland has brought to the fore many very talented Drivers, and the six “Flying Finns” will undoubtedly make a name for themselves in this “U18” World Cham- pionship, to begin with Teemu Suninen (Maranello), who recently finished third in the CIK-FIA European KF2 Championship, and Ville Mäntylä (Energy).

With the Championship scheduled to end on their home ground, on 3 October at Val d’Argenton, the French will display their intentions to shine from the outset. Mathieu Jaminet (Sodi), Vincent Fraisse (Intrepid), Léo Roussel (Sodi) and Alexandre Baron (Sodi) are among the most experienced ones. Spain can also count on two Drivers with big international competition experience, namely Victor Colome (Intrepid) and Adrian Del Rio (PCR).

The magic of the “U18” could however work wonders by revealing to the public at large a surprise winner galvanised by the opportunity to express himself on equal terms in a real World Championship and in reasonable budgetary conditions. Until now, the sporting horizon of several participants ended at the frontiers of their own nations, where they have accumulated victories and titles.

No fewer than 24 nationalities will be represented in this “U18” World Championship. One must go back to the 1990 to find such variety within one and the same Karting World Championship category. There will mostly be Europeans but it is worth noting the participation of countries such as Thailand (with Tanart Sathienthirakul driving an Intrepid), Singapore (with Liam Gout driving an Parolin), Mexico (with Christofer Berckhan and Juan Valles, both driving a Haase), Uruguay (with Facundo Garese at the wheel of a Top Kart), Indonesia (with Ricardo Gelael Sean and his Intrepid), as well as the United Arab Emirates, which will appear for the first time in a CIK-FIA Karting World Championship thanks to Edward Jones (Maranello).



Info CIK

Publié le 20/07/2010

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