
M18: D-16 Topkart

  Top Kart is the make of the chassis produced by Comer, the well-known Manufacturer of engines with a small cylinder capacity which monopolised most markets of “minime” and cadet categories for such a long time. And in fact a lot of Comer engines are still used throughout the world, even though many ASNs have […]

M18: D-16 Topkart



Top Kart is the make of the chassis produced by Comer, the well-known Manufacturer of engines with a small cylinder capacity which monopolised most markets of “minime” and cadet categories for such a long time. And in fact a lot of Comer engines are still used throughout the world, even though many ASNs have now opened these categories for 8 to 12 year-olds to other competitor makes. One way or another, even if it was indirectly, Comer more than any other Manufacturer has accompanied the motor sport débuts of almost every current notorious Driver.

Not unlike the fate of the different varieties of 4-stroke Honda engines in rent Karting, both in- door and outdoor, it is ironical that these Comer engines, successful in the “minimes” and cadet classes, were not originally aimed at being fitted to karts because they were actually industrial engines!

In spite of never constituting the company’s main activity, Karting has been an integral part of Comer’s history since the 1980’s. Based at Bagnolo in Piano, in the region of Reggio Emilia, Comer is one of those Manufacturers who make it a point of honour to design, develop and produce themselves their karts and components, without sub-contracting too much.

Very present on certain national markets, Top Kart and/or Comer products also boast a fine list of international results. Their most important win was the one achieved at Braga (Portugal) in the year 2000 when the Briton Colin Brown landed the Drivers’ World Champion title in For- mula A, at the wheel of a Top Kart chassis. In 1994, Sweden’s Fredrik Wallberg had also placed a Top Kart on the third step of a World Championship podium, this time in Formula C (which was then the top category of gearbox karts). Many other successes have been conquered, in parti- cular two titles in the ICA category, in 1997 with Bressan and in 1999 with Téo Fabi’s son. More recently, in 2009, a Top Kart worked its way up to the second place of the CIK-FIA World Cup for KF3 thanks to the British Driver Jake Dennis. As it turns out, this same Dennis will be at the start of the “U18” World Championship to represent Top Kart and will rank among the favourites.


Drivers entered in the CIK-FIA U18 World Championship with Top Kart:

Jake Dennis (UK); Facundo Garese (Ury); Mateusz Rzucidlo (Pol).



Info CIK

Publié le 09/07/2010

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