
U18 : D-26 Energy

  Energy Corse was created in 1997, i.e. only three years after Michele Panigada, its creator and now director and team-manager, landed a Driver’s CIK-FIA European ICA Vice-Champion.The first karts to bear the “Energy” label were obviously developed and experienced in competition by Michele Panigada himself as he competed in several World Championships in the […]

U18 : D-26 Energy



Energy Corse was created in 1997, i.e. only three years after Michele Panigada, its creator and now director and team-manager, landed a Driver’s CIK-FIA European ICA Vice-Champion.
The first karts to bear the “Energy” label were obviously developed and experienced in competition by Michele Panigada himself as he competed in several World Championships in the top category of these days, Formula Super A.

As the years 2000 went by, the presence of Energy Corse in major international and national championships was considerably developed, so much so that Energy Corse is now part of the great reference teams with the best structures.

Very active in the gearbox kart category where it has made a name for itself, Energy Corse won in that category several CIK-FIA European titles (2004 with Holland’s Ricardo Van der Ende, 2006 with Germany’s Ernst Behrens and 2008 with France’s Tony Lavanant) and has just perpetuated this kind of tradition by which the team does clinch the European KZ2 Championship every two years! On 27 June 2010, the Italian De Conto was not only crowned in that KZ2 category but Energy also had a stranglehold on the final European podium, with the French Driver Yan Pesce and the Dutchman Kevin Leitjens.

More recently, Energy Corse has extended its official involvement to the KF2 and KF3 categories, thus playing the card of the promotion of young Drivers. Their talent associated to the professional follow-up ensured at the circuits and in the development of the equipment by the Racing Team, has enabled the make to win a CIK-FIA Viking Trophy for KF2 (2008 with the Swede Joel Johansson) as well as a German KF2 Champion title (2009 with the Dane Nicolaj Moller Madsen).

Energy Corse is based in the north of Italy, at Seriate (Bergamo) and employs 8 people.
Levin Amweg(CHE); Serhiy Kovalenko(UKR); Ville Mäntylä (FIN); Santeri Varis(FIN).



Info CIK

Publié le 29/06/2010

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