
Titles to be decided in Varennes

  Begun in April on the Italian track of Sarno-Napoli, the CIK-FIA European Championships of the KZ1 and KZ2 categories will continue and end on 26 and 27 June at Varennes-sur-Allier in France. Tailor-made for gearbox karts with its 1,500 m and its straight lines that favour the draft effect, the international Jean Brun circuit […]

Titles to be decided in Varennes



Begun in April on the Italian track of Sarno-Napoli, the CIK-FIA European Championships of the KZ1 and KZ2 categories will continue and end on 26 and 27 June at Varennes-sur-Allier in France. Tailor-made for gearbox karts with its 1,500 m and its straight lines that favour the draft effect, the international Jean Brun circuit is to be the setting for finals which will be decisive for the awarding of the continental titles.

Further to its sensational European one-two achieved in 2009 with the Dutchman Bas Lammers and the Frenchman Jérémy Iglesias, the Intrepid Team is determined to renew this performance in Varennes. And it seems to be in a good position to reach this goal with the same two Drivers. On the threshold of the French event, Jérémy Iglesias is in with the best chance thanks to his ten-point lead over his Dutch teammate. To the difference of Lammers, already double European Champion (2003 and 2009), Iglesias does not yet count any major title on his list of international results, even though his curriculum vitae includes several quality results (such as a runner-up place in the 2009 World Cup for KZ1).

Although they are favourite, Iglesias and Lammers are not as such certain of becoming champions. And beyond the competition which will directly oppose them, they will also have to expect possible counter-attacks from Britain’s Jack Hawksworth and Ben Hanley, the Dutchman Jorrit Pex and a French three-some composed of Anthony Abbasse, Manuel Renaudie and Thomas Mich, who will be keen to shine on their home circuit…


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 Info CIK / © Photo KSP

Publié le 22/06/2010

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