
An Academy with an air of Nations’ Cup!

  The first goal of the FIA and of the CIK has already been reached: managing to allocate the 34 karts of the new Academy Trophy to Drivers of as many different nationalities!   Designed as a low-cost educational formula aimed at the youngest Drivers, the CIK-FIA Academy Trophy has at the same time an […]

An Academy with an air of Nations’ Cup!



The first goal of the FIA and of the CIK has already been reached: managing to allocate the 34 karts of the new Academy Trophy to Drivers of as many different nationalities!


Designed as a low-cost educational formula aimed at the youngest Drivers, the CIK-FIA Academy Trophy has at the same time an air of Nations’ Cup!


Supplied on a free basis to all participants by the Manufacturer Parolin, the 34 karts will be allocated by drawing lots to young 13 to 15 years old Drivers from most European countries but also from China, Indonesia, Hong-Kong, Macao, Singapore, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil.


«The response of the ASNs (National Sporting Authorities) has been fantastic, explained Nicolas Deschaux, President of the CIK-FIA. I know to what extent the Federations have been involved in this project; some of them have implemented rigorous selection processes, and others will go so far as to accompany their representatives physically on the events or to finance their participation integrally. Beyond its sporting and educational values, this Academy Trophy is also very federative. I am looking forward to seeing all these young Drivers evolve under the close scrutiny of their ASNs and shall be even happier when the CIK-FIA exports the concept of this competition and the model of its educational programme.»


The 34 Karting «Academicians» will compete on equal terms within the framework of the three rounds of the CIK-FIA «U18» World Championship, the latter being open to 15 to 18 years old Drivers. It will all begin on 25 July at Wackersdorf (Germany), to continue on 29 August at Alcaniz (Spain) and end on 3 October at Val d’Argenton (France).


Each event will include an educational programme, called «Edukart», supported by the FIA Institute within the framework of the FIA Motor Sport Safety Development Fund. This programme, presented in the form of a «quiz» (game of questions/answers), will in particular broach on topics related to safety, the knowledge of the technical and sporting rules, fair-play, the patrimony and history of Karting and the anti-doping fight. At the end of the season, the CIK-FIA will place this educational programme at the disposal of all the ASNs members of the FIA so that they can introduce it in their national competitions.



Info CIK / © Photo KSP

Publié le 17/06/2010

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