
Victory and title for Martin

  Competitors in the National class took part in a presentation on the track before starting their final: The French Championship would be awarded at the end of 21 laps of the race which was likely to be lively. It’s a long time since such a major title has been assigned after a single event […]

Victory and title for Martin



Competitors in the National class took part in a presentation on the track before starting their final: The French Championship would be awarded at the end of 21 laps of the race which was likely to be lively. It’s a long time since such a major title has been assigned after a single event …

Without doubt overwhelmed by the challenge, some engines didn’t start properly. Valentin Vialle finally got going to the applause of the public. The race director was understanding. Martin Clement took the position of authority at the front, while Pierre Adrien Hivert went over the grass slightly. Vincent Abril held second ahead of Pierre Mannino and Alexis Leguay. Lukas Colairo was last and Anthony Ceribella was no longer running. The first drops of rain enlivened the race.



Clément Martin


On lap 3, Martin already had a solid lead of almost 2 seconds from Abril, Maninno, Lesaulnier, Bloyet and Anstett. 2 laps later, Maninno attacked Abril, to go fourth ahead of Bloyet, Anstett, Lesaulnier and Leguay. Fights unleashed the enthusiasm of the spectators who filled the new stand at Varennes. With a warm atmosphere, it’s like a championship game of Rugby in France, for example. Lap 10: Anstett was second to Maninno and Jouvanceaux, Abril had a slight problem and was demoted to 5th place. Anstett was faster than the leader Martin, but he still 2.5 seconds to make up … Marco De Peretti took 5th position, no small feat coming from the back of the grid at the start.

Two-thirds of the race are covered. Maninno resumed advantage Anstett that replicates immediately. Martin consolidates his leadership. Both drivers could perhaps be joined by Jouvenceaux. Martin leaves his lead melt to arrival: strategy or problem? With nearly a second ahead at the start of the last round, he should be able to manage. Maninno tries one last attack, but is still Anstett Vice-Champion of France.



Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photos KSP

Publié le 30/05/2010

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