
Royal spectacle in the National prefinal

Hivert   The first line was occupied by Pierre-Adrien Hivert (V-Max) and Pierre Maninno (Mirage), the favorites of the 36 drivers in the National finals. Jules Afonso failed to start. No problems at the first corner and on lap 1 Hivert was ahead of Maninno, Theo Bidard (Maranello), Alexander Anstett (Tony Kart) and Thomas Lemoult […]

Royal spectacle in the National prefinal



The first line was occupied by Pierre-Adrien Hivert (V-Max) and Pierre Maninno (Mirage), the favorites of the 36 drivers in the National finals. Jules Afonso failed to start. No problems at the first corner and on lap 1 Hivert was ahead of Maninno, Theo Bidard (Maranello), Alexander Anstett (Tony Kart) and Thomas Lemoult (Birel). The situation changed on the second lap with the return of Clement Martin (Gillard) who started 12th and was now 3rd. Martin advanced to second behind Hivert, Maninno and three drivers running together led by Anstett then Colairo (Tony Kart), Lemoult, Abril (Sodi) and Alice Colin (Tony Kart).

Lemoult lost his spoiler and most of his chances. The top 3 changed constantly: Maninno Hivert Martin, Martin Maninno Hivert, Maninno Martin Hivert, depending what part of the circuit you were looking at, as the changes continued at a breakneck pace in the leading trio. Anstett, in 4th, was threatened by the return of Bidard, and the two drivers were soon joined by Colairo. The battle raged everywhere!

The race was far from over as the three leading drivers avoiding allowing anyone to get away at all costs, the best use of the phenomena of rslipstreaming at Varennes . Elbow to elbow on the final lap to get to the finish. Martin was first, Hivet repassed at the pylon, Martin gave ground and Hivert prevailed ahead of Maninno then Martin was 3rd, 4th Colairo and Abril 5th.


Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 30/05/2010

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