
News About the Grand Prix Open Karting

  A series like no other, which is both national and international, the FFSA French Karting Championship 2010 (Grand Prix Open) promises to be a success, considering the direction followed by the Federation and the interest already shown by a number of drivers and professionals. Given the challenges that mark these difficult economic times, the […]

News About the Grand Prix Open Karting



A series like no other, which is both national and international, the FFSA French Karting Championship 2010 (Grand Prix Open) promises to be a success, considering the direction followed by the Federation and the interest already shown by a number of drivers and professionals. Given the challenges that mark these difficult economic times, the FFSA showed clear-sightedness and the capacity to react quickly. This year, the GPOs will be less expensive, more open and more accessible at the different levels of competition.


In the framework of the French Championships, the FFSA Grand Prix Open Karting events offer an excellent opportunity to race in the international categories – KF2, KF3 and KZ2 – in order to discover the meaning of top level competition or just to show one’s performances at a reasonable cost. Indeed, if the very good drivers certainly offer an excellent reference point for the whole group, private drivers and teams still have a real chance to achieve good results and even gain a victory or a title.


Thanks to FFSA efforts, the budget for a GPO season remains affordable in the CIK categories. In addition to that, the quality of the organisation and the strong media coverage of the GPOs ensure a very positive image of the competition and promote partners’ confidence. The FFSA decided to reduce the tyre bill of all participants, by offering a full set of racing tyres per meeting, that is a 50% bonus on this sensitive item.


Read entire press release and visit




Publié le 11/03/2010

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