
Abbasse, the boss in the rain

  1’02”205 was the fastest time in KZ2, and Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM) was the author. Christophe Benoit (Birel / Maxter) fought hard to stay ahead and he was rewarded with second. Thomas Mich was in 3rd place ahead of Alban Varutti, Norman Nato and Mathias Gallepe. The main favorites are where we expected, […]

Abbasse, the boss in the rain



1’02”205 was the fastest time in KZ2, and Anthony Abbasse (Sodi / TM) was the author. Christophe Benoit (Birel / Maxter) fought hard to stay ahead and he was rewarded with second. Thomas Mich was in 3rd place ahead of Alban Varutti, Norman Nato and Mathias Gallepe. The main favorites are where we expected, apart from perhaps Eric Ramon, in 13th and Clement Da Silva, in 21st.

Info Kartcom with Kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 26/04/2009

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