Maisano on the first step in KF2

A little light rain came immediately after the start of the KF2 final at La Conca. Cautiously, the officials put out the red flag. The sky was clearing quickly and the second start was quick. Some drivers were too excited and there was a big pile up at the 1st turn. This time, the yellow […]

Maisano on the first step in KF2

A little light rain came immediately after the start of the KF2 final at La Conca. Cautiously, the officials put out the red flag. The sky was clearing quickly and the second start was quick. Some drivers were too excited and there was a big pile up at the 1st turn. This time, the yellow flags and “slow” signs were out. Of the fifteen competitors involved Tiene, Goff, Suvanto and Beretta couldn’t restart. The race was restarted on the fifth lap.


Brandon Maïsano (Intrepid/TM), qui avait dû laisser s’échapper quelques places au départ, se replace en 3ème position derrière Matteo Vigano (Birel/Parilla) et Ben Cooper (Tony Kart/Vortex). On retrouve ainsi le trio qui avait animé la préfinale. En 4ème place, le jeune Belge Stoffel Vandoorne (CRG/Maxter) confirme sa belle prestation et devance Karol Basz (RK/Parilla) de plusieurs longueurs. 


Maisano proceeded to attack and passed Cooper on the 8th lap to take the advantage on Vigano 2 laps later. Basz closed on Vandoorne. The Japanese driver Kanamaru Yu (Tony Kart / Vortex) made a great start to the race and was in 6th from 25th position. Behind him, a group of five drivers engaged in a fierce struggle: Wright, Smarrazzo, Lock, Johansson and Lynn. Sami Luka retired with mechanical problems.


Things are changing in the race lead: Vigano took command on the 13th lap. Everything would be decided in the last 2 laps. Basz passed Cooper, Maisano then took an opportunity to take Vigano who fought back. Now on the last lap, Maisano was very close to his opponent. The Intrepid driver hit the back of Birel and Vigano lost 3 places. In the final meters, just Basz just threatened Maisano, but without success. The first step of the podium is for Brandon, then Karol and Ben.



Info Kartcom

Publié le 08/02/2009

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