
Catt on turbo

  Britain’s Tony Kart driver, Gary Catt, has stunned the competition, putting 4 tenths between himself and his opponents in qualifying for KF1. Libor Toman was next on his Birel / Parilla ahead of another Tony / Vortex, Will Stevens.   The 4th position surprisingly went to Ben Cooper on CRG / Maxter, who has […]

Catt on turbo



Britain’s Tony Kart driver, Gary Catt, has stunned the competition, putting 4 tenths between himself and his opponents in qualifying for KF1. Libor Toman was next on his Birel / Parilla ahead of another Tony / Vortex, Will Stevens.


The 4th position surprisingly went to Ben Cooper on CRG / Maxter, who has rarely had such a good result. The other CRG, that of Arnaud Kozlinski, continued to give the Frenchman trouble with a long series of mechanical breakages. Koko was ranked last … Florian Alfano (Gillard / Parilla) was 9th, while Gianni Gazzurelli entered the top 15.



Info Kartcom with kartlink / © Photo KSP

Publié le 04/10/2008

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