
Words of winners

Giacomo Aliprandi – Tony Kart Racing Team, Team Manager“There aren’t enough words to describe such a great emotion. I’ve always said that we worked hard no-stop for a long time. The result of our hard work is the great performance of the material, moreover all the members of team were perfect in every decision they […]

Words of winners

Ardigo.jpgGiacomo Aliprandi – Tony Kart Racing Team, Team Manager
“There aren’t enough words to describe such a great emotion. I’ve always said that we worked hard no-stop for a long time. The result of our hard work is the great performance of the material, moreover all the members of team were perfect in every decision they took. 
Congratulations to Marco Ardigò for his well deserved result, but also to Gary and to all the drivers of the team.”

Marco Ardigò – pilote Tony Kart Racing Team, KF1
“ I’m aware to have done a great final, also thanks to the strategy used in pre-final. I saved tires and technical material in order to arrive at the final phase in the best condition. The week before the race we worked really hard, that’s why we gained this excellent result…the emotion is great, really great!!”


Junior-Tony-Kart.jpgPaul Spencer – Tony Kart Racing Team Junior, Team Manager
“I’m really happy, Flavio was fantastic and the team did a great work. The Tony Kart Junior Team was born less than a year ago and has already won an European Championship and a World title. As beginning it is not bad, isn’t it?!”

Flavio Camponeschi – Pilote Tony Kart Racing Team Junior, vainqueur de la Coupe du Monde KF2
“I’m really happy, I’m living a good period and I was really calm during all the moments of the event. I would like to thank all all my guys, my Team manager Paul Spencer because they really supported me…they have been excellent. I keep my feet on the ground and I still hope to learn much more.”



Info Tony Kart / © Photos KSP

Publié le 26/09/2008

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